chapter 2: the capitol

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73RD Hunger Games story

Chapter 2: The Capitol

My body pushes forward through the crowd without my command. Nobody looks shocked. They all know what the Capitol did. They are probably glad I got chosen, after all I am the stuck up, isolated, angry teenage girl, who punches anyone who annoys her. I bet the mayor’s son would love to see my gruesome death. No. I think. No I’m not going to die. My fear is replaced by anger. Anger towards the capitol for ruining my entire life. I stomp up the steps and stand next to Sunset. “Any volunteers?” Silence. “Well Oak, Congratulations!” She says it like I just won a prize. She then walks over to the over bowl and slowly picks a slip. “Blunt Timber” she announces. A pale pasty boy with long brown hair, which falls into his eyes, walks in terror towards the stage. I find myself smirking. He trips on the stairs and I stifle a laugh.

No – one volunteers for him. I know he has an older brother, but family love only goes so far here. “I am proud to present, this year’s district 7 tributes, Oak Mason and Blunt Timber. I look over to Blunt’s face, it is red and puffy and he looks like he is fighting off tears. Poor dude, he won’t last a minute in there.

We are taken into a room with plush velvet furniture. Most people from here would probably be awestruck by it, but I’m used to it. All of Johanna’s furniture is velvet. I hear the door creak open and look up, expecting to see Johanna, but instead I see the mayor. Probably to yell at me before they send me off to my death. I think to myself. But he doesn’t. Instead he says “I’m sorry about my boys. They don’t understand what it’s like to watch your parents die,” I flinch when he mentions my parents, “and between you and me, I think that they are jealous.” He pauses, “I’m sorry about…..” he thinks for a moment and gestures with his hands “all of this.” And with that he walks out.

My next visitor is Johanna. She stands awkwardly near the door and I stand, unsure of what to do. We both aren’t very affectionate people, another reason why so many people hate me. Then she does something I never thought she would do, she hugs me and I think I can see a few stray tears falling down her face. “I’m not going to tell you how to play these games,” she says “but I would advise not to do what I did, they would be expecting it.”

“ok.” I say my voice trembling. I may be angry, but I don’t want to leave Johanna. She has cared for me for all these years. I can hear the peacekeepers heavy footsteps outside the door. We need to hurry. We don’t really need to say goodbye, because she’s my mentor. But I don’t think we should really act like family when training. “I’ll have to go soon so just,” she hesitates for a moment “remember that I…… that I love you, and I’m gonna do whatever I can to get you out alive.” Her voice trembles and her eyes have turned glassy. The footsteps are closer. “Goodbye Oak, See you soon.” And with that she walks out the door just before the peacekeeper can drag her out.

 The ride to the train station was annoying. Blunt finally gave up on crying and Sunset was doing a very bad job at calming him down. “There there, dear. Everything will be fine, you’ll see. I’m sure you’ll survive at least an hour!” she would say. “And wait till you taste capitol food! It’s divine!” It was also full with photographers and it stank of vanilla perfume. A capitol thing. I can’t understand why the capitol want to smell like deserts.

The train is amazing! It looks awfully plain and metal on the outside, but the inside is all made of velvet and silk and cotton. There are platters of food I have never seen before. Sunset says that the cold creamy substance is called ‘ice cream’ and that we should definitely try it after we change out of our dirty clothes. The bedroom is awesome but is way too bright. So, the first things I order are honey ice cream, black vest and shorts and red and black paint.

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