The my way of Living

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Apart from being bored and create boredom, I have other passions too and one of those is watching mindless TV. Duh!
I switched on the TV and started watching some crime-thriller show. My interest somehow grew more, every second and at last one of the protagonists was killed. "What just happened? Who killed him? Who??" Ugh! I gotta get a life!
My mom said to me " Nele,why don't you just go out and see what the world is like? Aren't you bored already? A few hours out will help you, really! Or go and join the yoga classes, its really good for the inner self! ". "Ma....I am really alright. Its just my way of living, you should actually try it out sometime".
But that day of 31st May, I don't know why, maybe 'my way of life' wasn't just paying off right, I went out ! And while I was walking I saw all kinds of people, some really tensed, some too happy, some being busy and the rest being just themselves. I wanted to know the story of each one of them. Only if I ever could.
That night was special, I saw a guy, the guy, who played violin on the streets. The guy was different or in simple words differently-abled. He played the instrument with two of his limbs, not his two hands but one hand and the other being his leg. Around him a handful of people stood in a a very ungeometric circle. He played with his eyes closed, lips tight and eyebrows dancing. As his hands moved in a horrid yet rhythmic fashion, like he was trying to tell a story unwritten in any of the books of modern times. Each note, the high one and the low ones, were in a weird synchrony. I guess music isn't the only place where high and low points like to accompany each other. And then all of a sudden everybody applauded, a thunder of beautiful noise of people hauled praises. Then the people started leaving, as soon as their mind became alert of all their more important chores. They left the place inspired but I tell you mostly what they were was 'content'. Then I looked at him again and what I wanted to do was just talk to him. Know at least his story! So, overcoming all my fears and inhibitions of being a complete freak, I felt drawn to him and asked- "so what's your story?”

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