The Routine

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The day of 30th May, I told myself "everyone is as messed up as you are, its just that they are really good at hiding it", and I was somehow assuaged knowing I am not the only one in this ship-the ship to the end of the world, which seems to have no destination since they say earth is mostly a sphere and spheres don't have an end. I tell you what, I always seemed to know and believe in the fact- “everything that goes around, comes around ”,  making me realize nobody has ever travelled or seen a straight path. So, I would have really liked to prove science through literature , by becoming the discoverer of the fact that earth was an oblate spheroid, unless of course, if the Greek philosophers just stopped thinking about science ages ago.”

But just then that friend of mine changed her profile picture-1,2,3....I don't know how many times- with all those 'funky' stickers and poses whose meaning I am still trying to decipher. And then I asked myself again " isn't she supposed to be as dishevelled as I am, since we all failed the exam ? Or that exam meant more to me than it meant to her? Or am I just a freak who keeps on whining over petty things? Well this ain't any petty thing! That exam was an opportunity of a lifetime, which I seemed to miss just like that. Ugh! I gotta watch YouTube to take me off of all those weary items of my life." So #problem_1_solved.

YouTube - a place filled with such  cynical people! That's how I see this place and yet I always come down to it as if its my last resort to rescue. When I scrolled through the pages I saw different kinds of people but who somehow were all the same, people whose only ambition in life is to go viral!
I found videos that talked about how cute a celebrity is or what an american thinks, and those videos had a gazillion of views. “Don't these people have anything else to do in life? Are people really interested in what some people on the other side of the world do or think while they keep ironically saying all the time that they don't really care what others think about their very own selves? This world, I tell you, is much more difficult and complicated than it actually seems.”

I kept watching at those videos until I grew hungry....or more precisely ‘hangry’. I went to the kitchen, opened the fridge and found absolutely nothing good enough for my appetite. “Ugh, does everything needs to be something I don't like? Maybe not necessarily. I’ve still got music by my side.” Saying this, I started browsing through my playlists in my phone. I had songs for every mood that I ever have had. I started listening to every song that talked about gloomy people, from Bruno to 1D, I heard them all. Perhaps 1D has one of those kinds of songs without listening to which I have rarely spent a day. And surprisingly I know why, its because it has the perfect combination of heartbreak songs that has to do with love and life! Ah.....I so lack motivation, I don't have any zeal left to live a life anymore and I am 18! ”

(Guys if you are wondering what happened to the violin player Nele met in the last chapter, then calm down, this chapter is something that happened everyday before that night, I wanted you to get a better insight into Nele's character)

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