Chapter 2

304 17 2

2 years later

(Adelaide's POV)

So this how freedom dies? A death sentence carried out by faceless men? Anarchy reigns supreme and all we can do is pillage and plunder in the hopes that we'll find some sacred treasure before death finds us. There are only two things certain in life. Aging and death. We all grow old and we all die in the end. It's the way we use the time we are given. As unfortunate as it is, my sister and I must spend our time running in the hopes that we won't die today.

"Andy. We have to go now," I said as I shook her awake. Andy was not a morning person. She never was. She always went to bed early and woke up late. Andy groaned, her short dark brown hair was all tangled up and her dark brown eyes were bleary. Andy wasn't like most people. We didn't know what was different about her. She was only a few years younger than me, but she was more innocent and oblivious to the horrors around her. I envied it in a way, she always saw the good in people. No matter what kind of past they had. I didn't have that luxury anymore. I thought back to when we were growing up. She was bullied growing up, So my brother and I were there. It was hard for her, but she was always so happy. As I thought of my brother, an overwhelming amount of sadness passed over me. I had no idea if he was alive or not. I didn't know if any of them were alive or not, so much time had passed since then.

"Why so early?" Andy said, bringing me back to reality.

"Because we've been here too long." We were currently in the cellar of an abandoned restaurant, I had barred the doors, piled box upon box in the hopes that the Hunters wouldn't find us. My sister and I barely made it out thanks to my mom, But I made her a promise... I'd keep her safe no matter what the cost. So that's what I did. I killed every Hunter that came at us. I kept her safe. Just like I promised.

"We've only been here for three days."

"Too long. Come on we gotta go." I watched as she climbed out from underneath the thin blanket she was using. I took in our surroundings. There was food here. Preservatives. It was all piled up on the far wall. while the room was open and there was a dark corner that the light didn't quite reach. That was where we hid. There was a wall that divided the big one with a smaller one and that was where we changed and did our business. There was a bucket in there that we used. Luckily there was running water. We could have stayed down here for a few months. But that was risky, so we moved. We never stayed in one place for longer than was necessary.

"Andy. Hurry," I said in an uneasy tone.

"You're not the boss you know." She replied in an irritated tone.

"Please not now..." I replied.

I smelled something that wasn't normal. Not like Andy's calming vanilla and cinnamon scent. This smelled like rotten flesh... and blood.

The Hunters had found us somehow. 

"Andy! Now!" I yelled frantically just as she came out and she started to say something. Just as she opened her mouth the door and all the boxes piled on top of it burst open. Hunters were different than normal humans. They didn't just kill wolves because they thought that they were an abomination. They also fed on the corpses of dead wolves, devouring their souls, so that they may never rejoin the goddess. Their behavior was feral, and they had a wildness to them that made you want to run away. They had lost their ability to form rational thoughts as well as their humanity.

I sprang into action as they lunged at us. Andy quickly got behind me. One went to grab her but my clawed hand wrapped around its throat. I ripped it out with ease. The other went for Andy from the other side but I kicked it in the stomach and shoved it down. Just as its body hit the ground I shoved my hand into its chest and ripped out its heart. The last one came directly at me and managed to punch me in the stomach sending me flying into Andy. It took it's long claws and swiped its hands across my arms, causing a yelp of shock. Now I was pissed. It yanked me up and went for the kill but it left its torso defenseless. I kicked it and it let me go. I then proceeded to snap its neck. They heal fast so I ripped out its heart and throat.

My arms were covered in blood up to my elbows. The blood was a few shades darker than my crimson red hair.

I turned to check on Andy. She had a few bruises but was otherwise unharmed. We finished packing our things in silence. My arm was hurt badly. But I didn't say anything to her. I didn't want her to worry about me. Out of nowhere, she started crying. She bawled her eyes out, and tears streamed down her face like small rivers. I rushed to her side.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" She just shook her head no.

"I'm tired of this!" I didn't say anything, I just held her close to me.

"I know darling..." she stopped crying after a while. We decided to stay one more day, because of my arm. My arm hadn't stopped bleeding and the pain was getting to be too much. After much hesitancy I let her go to the drug store next door. She came back ten minutes later with an old woman.

"Andy!" I exclaimed.

"Relax. I've known you were here for a few days now." I shut my mouth. My arm needed stitches. The cuts were deep and there were four of them. Alex had to pin me down as the old woman sewed my arm shut. She bandaged me up and gave me pain medicine for them. When the medicine came into effect and the pain was gone, we left. I took about five bottles of the stuff for the road.

"Ready?" I asked Andy after the old woman had checked my arm for the last time. Looking down at my arm, I had the sinking feeling that there were going to be scars left in the wake of the cuts.


With that said we disappeared into the night. Hoping that the nightmares of today would stay behind us. 


Okay, so I feel like I need to explain a few things. This book that I am working on is the second installment to the Midnight Angel Trilogy. At one point I thought about not writing a second book but decided otherwise. With that being said, I do not have a regular updating schedule. I know that that is really annoying for the readers who have been here since the beginning and for that I'm very sorry. Please just be patient. Now if you have not read His Midnight Angel, I suggest that you go and read that because the two stories will start to mix here in a few chapters. You will also notice that I will be doing a few updates within the next few days. 

Please remember to 





-Ashlynn Knight

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