Chapter 4

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(Tyler's POV)

Where was I? How did I get here? More importantly, why am I drenched in blood? It was everywhere. It encased me from head to toe, and it was even in my mouth. This was no surprise. I woke up like this so much; nothing could surprise me anymore. The curse did that to me. Why there was a curse in the first place, I have no idea. My father was loyal to the Midknight Angel when the hunters first arrived. The Midknight Moon pack was feared and exonerated. We were widely respected along with the Shadow Woods pack. The Shadow Woods pack was decimated now. All that was left were a few members that had incorporated themselves into our ranks. Alpha Daniel and Luna Margo were missing. Their son was dead, and no one knew where their daughters were. Many assumed they were dead. But the members of the Shadow Woods pack had hope. Hope was a rare commodity. 

I was on the outskirts of town, and I knew that chaos would ensue if I didn't get back to the pack. I had to go around the city. There was no way I could walk through the middle, looking like I did.

"David," I said through the pack link, "I'm on the other end of town, on the outskirts. I'll be there by day's end." I was quick and to the point. There was no getting around that.

"Copy that boss, you might want to hurry though. We have a situation." David, my Beta replied. Situations weren't good. They caused headaches. Though these days, it wasn't very hard to give me a headache. My dreams had been growing increasingly more vivid, and the nights were getting darker. The moon was dimming, the Goddess had abandoned her place, and no one knew where the Angel was. People were losing hope, and for some reason, they thought that I was a good person to place hope in. Fuck me. 

I had a whole pack to keep alive and away from the humans, hunters, and to keep themselves from killing each other. Not to mention missing deities. Fantastic. 

I started the walk back. Throughout the day, I alternated between man and wolf. I didn't have a car, and I didn't see any around at present. The walk seemed to go by pretty quickly, considering I was so thrown into my thoughts. Thankfully there weren't any Hunters around, or I'd be screwed. The Hunters shouldn't even exist. That was all supposed to go away when Adelphi and the Angel were vanquished from this plain. Or at least that was the story that my pops used to tell me before everything went to hell. The Hunters were Adelphi and her psycho son's creation. Dad told me the story when he was grooming me to be alpha.


"Alright, son, listen to me carefully, okay? " Alpha Jack Greyson sat across from his son, Tyler.

"Several years ago, a very brief outbreak of what we call Hunters waged war on the Wolves of Artemis. They were brutal and cruel, feasting on the souls of the wolves. Until one day, we were granted salvation. There is a legend among the wolves. Legend has it that the Midnight Angel will descend upon the earth to free the wolves of their cursed brethren. The Hunters were hidden to us at first, but when the Midnight Angel defeated Adelphi, the Hunters came back in full force. Many believe that the Midnight Angel has abandoned us, but I know that is not the case."

"How do you know?" A young Tyler said, staring up at his father with terror in his eyes.

"Because the Midknight Angel was hurt really badly, and she can only come back when she's all healed up." Jack could not bear to tell his son the truth. The Midnight Angel had failed in her mission, and that she had died in battle. Or so he believed.

--_--_--_-- end of Flashback --_--_--_--

Shortly after that, there was a Hunter infestation on our lands. Dad and I were able to get almost everyone out of the pack lands safely. At the last minute, he remembered my parent's wedding photo and turned around to get it. The son of a bitch never came back. He left me with my mom, two younger sisters, and a whole pack to take care of. Not to mention my little dilemma.

I found a random pond in a random spot and cleaned myself off. I didn't need to explain to my mother why I was covered in blood again. After I was satisfied, I was clean; I continued the journey back to my pack.

(Addelaide's POV)

I didn't dare move. Not only did I have shackles on my ankles, but I was being watched as well. I laid stiff and kept my eyes closed, fully concentrating on what the wolves were saying. They were talking in hushed tones, but it was easy to hear due to heightened senses. 

"We gotta tell the alpha 'bout this one man." this voice was high pitched, female, closer to my age if I had to guess. 

"He ain't gonna like this one bit." said a male. He was probably in his middle years, on the older side. 

I tried carefully to move in a way that allowed me to see my surroundings. Slowly and carefully, I maneuvered to face outwards. When I opened my eyes, I saw that I was in a freezer of some kind. It wasn't cold, so I gathered that the freezer wasn't running. It must have been a wolf run site if there were so many wolves surrounding me. 

The shelves were ransacked, emptied, or had anything barely on them from what I could see. Either the store shut down, or the wolves had picked through it and gathered what they needed. from the looks of it, it wouldn't be long now until they moved on. 

And then I remembered my sister. Where was she? Was she captured too? Had they hurt her? So many questions raced their way around my head while the worry gnawed away at my heart. 

"Sir, there's been a situation." 

The alpha was here. 


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Ashlynn Knight

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