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  I pull into the drive way and take a deep breath. I look at the house and put the car in park. I pull the keys out and sit in silence. Thinking of what may happen. I get out and walk up to the door.

  I slowly turn the door nub. Hoping it won't wake him up. It clicks and I pull open the door fast so it doesn't squeak. I look over and see him passed out on the couch. He has a beer bottle still in he's hand. He's dark brown hair is all messed up and oily. I look at the floor and it's covered in bottles and cans. I try to not step on one so he doesn't know someone is here.

  I make it up the stairs and take a deep breath. I walk to my room and go to my closet to get my waitress uniform. I look out my window to see the house that's by mine. It's always been empty. I look at the window that faces mine. Dreaming that I might see a person right there. I turn around to my uniform and put it on. The skirt always bothered me. I think it's too short. But my boss is a pervert so that's why. I always wear a tank top under the top part of my outfit. Apparently there is a "broken button". I grab my keys and start heading down the stairs.

  I slowly walk down the stairs. I look over at the couch and he's awake. My eyes widen. He's no where on the couch. I hurry to the door but I only get half way there.

"Para." He says looking over at me.

  I look over at him. He's shirt is missed buttoned and blue jeans are ripped. He's dark brown eyes are red and look glazed.

"Yes." I say keeping my voice calm and firm.

"What are you doing here? Why are you here?"

"I had to come get my uniform for work. I forgot to take it with me this morning. Did I bother you?"

He's face turns angry and cold. He tightened his grip to the bottle in his hand.

"I told you once and I'm not going to tell you again. Stop forgetting to get your shit here! You're just like your stupid ungrateful dead mother!"

He threw the bottle at the wall behind me. I ran out of the door. He slammed the door and locked it. I got in my car and start driving off to work.

My mother died young. When I was two she got cancer. She still tried to take care of me even on her last days. My father was happy and treated me like her own. That was my fathers soul mate and she was the one who had he's heart. But when my mother died, my fathers heart died too. I was only six when she died. And that's when I was no longer he's child. My father blames her for living me in his hands. I had to take care of myself and my grandmother was the only person who took care of me. But when she died a year ago, we had to move back to my fathers home town. She told me to never give up on my life like my father. So I haven't. I'm seventeen now. I've had to take care of myself. My father only pays the things he wants. Like the house and alcohol. I thought moving to this town would change my life but it's only made it worst. The only good thing is I'm close to the beach. So on my days off, I go to the pier and listen to the waves. It's like an escape from the drowning.

  I pull into Johnny's Diner. That's where I work. I put my car in part and notice some blood on my arm. Shit! I cover my arm and try to find something to get the blood off my arm. I found a t-shirt in the back sit. I start to whip up the blood when I see Kelly walk out for a smoke break.

"Para? Honey." She said walking up to my car.

  She got up to the window and looked at my arm. Her face became pale and looked at me worried. I opened the door and got out.

"Para, what happened? Was it your father again?" She said worried looking at it and acting motherly.

"I'm fine. I promise. It's just a cut or something." I say knowing I'm in pain but it put a fake smile on my face.

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