It's quiet the whole time. He only told me which turns to make. But, oddly enough, it was the long way to my house. I look over at the radio and look at him and back at the road.
"Hey, can you change the song? Please." I ask handing my phone to him.
"Yeah, sure. What do you want me to play?" He said confused.
"It doesn't matter. I like most songs. Just don't play jazz."
"What if I like jazz?" He says with a smirk.
"Well I mean..."
"It's okay. I'm just playing with you. I hate jazz too." He says with a laugh.
I hear him typing on my phone a song and start wondering what song he's going to play.
"I hope this is okay." He says with a little worry in he's voice.
I hear the song start up and know exactly what song it is. I smile and laugh a little.
"The Middle, right?" I say grinning.
"Yeah. Do you not like it? I can change it if you don't." Ace says a little nervous.
"No. I love this song."
He smiles and looks at me. I blush a little. He doesn't know anything about me and it's great. He only knows my name and what school I go to. He doesn't know I'm a complete loser. I sigh in relief. I'm so glad I meet him first. Maybe he won't hate me when we go to school tomorrow. We turn off to the neighborhood I live in. I start to wonder if he lives in the house by mine. But probably not.
"It's right there." He says pointing at the house that's right beside mine.
"Hey I live in the house right beside yours." I say.
"Cool. What's this?" He says grabbing the shirt with blood on it.
" It's nothing." I say hoping he doesn't see the bandage on my arm.
"Okay but it's probably from that." He pointed at my arm.
I pull into he's drive way and just look down. I knew he could see it and pull my sleeve down a little bit to cover it up. I look at him and put a fake smile on my face.
"I'll be fine." I say unlocking the car.
"Thanks for the drive home." He says changing the subject.
"No problem."
It's silent for a bit. Ace looks over at me. He grabs he's phone and hands it to me. He grins and says, "Can I have your number? I know it's probably weird since we just met. But you seem like a cool girl and I would like to be friends with you."
I look down at the phone and space out. Should I give him my number? Will he even text me? But what if he'll become my friend? Then I'll have a friend and maybe things will start going good for me. I look over at him and he's got a side smile going on.
"You would be my first friend here." He says winking at me.
"Sure." I say with a smile.
I start putting in my number and put my name down as Para. I save it and give it back to him. He smiles. And it's a real smile.
"Thanks. Can I ask you something weird?" He asks.
"Yeah. Go ahead." I say nervous.
"Can you take me to school tomorrow? I mean, it's fine, if you don't want to. I'll walk." He said looking into my eyes.
"Uh yeah sure. I don't care." I say with a grin.
"Great. I'll see you tomorrow then."
"Yeah you will."
He hopped out of the car and started walking to to his house. I sit there and wait for him to walk in the door. Maybe I'll get a friend. I pull out and pull into my drive way.
"Maybe tomorrow will be good for me." I say to myself for confidence.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
I wake up to my alarm going off on my phone. I turn over and grab my phone. The phone reads: 6:30. Well I got to get up these early to get Ace. A big yawn rolls out of my mouth.
My hands feel numb and tingly from sleeping on them. My head has a sharp pound to it that hurts a little bit. 'Come on, and get up now. I've got to get ready.' I tell myself as my feet touch the cold wooden floors.
My eyes are barely open. I stretch my arms out walk over to my closet. What to wear. What to wear. I grab a t-shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans. I walk over to my bed and start putting on my clothes. I look over and see Ace! I don't have any clothes on beside a big shirt!
"Shit!" I peck over the curtains to see if he's there. He pulls he's shirt off and walks off from the window. Phew. Grabbing my jeans and shirt, I put them on as fast as I can.
"Look at this hot mess." I say to myself in the mirror.
Buzz! Buzz!
I look over at my phone to see Ace! I run over and trip over my shoe on the floor. Stupid shoe! I sit up and answer the phone.
"Hey, Ace."
"Hey Para.... So I'm guessing you room is upstairs." He said with a nervous laugh.
"Yeah haha." I laugh nervously.
"You ready? I am."
"Remember I'm riding with you to school." He laughed.
"Oh yeah." A slight nervous laugh comes up.
"So, you ready?"
"Yeah, sure."
The whole way to school was complete silence. It made me nervous. I had all this thoughts come up in my head. Is he nervous? Do I look weird?! Did I upset him this morning?
Before I knew it we were at the school. I took a deep breathe. It'll be fine.
"Thank you for the ride." Ace says with a small smile.
"No problem"
I grab my bag from the back and phone. This is going to be some day.

Lost + Found
Romance"Have you ever felt alone in the world? Like there is no one that could pull you out of the darkness and pain of the world." Para Tim is a girl who lives in a small town in California by the beach. Para lives is a nice house with a nice father...