4. That new boy

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''J-Jungkook?''  I stuttered. I have never seen him being this angry before. I was so scared. The way he looked, it really looks like he was going to kill me. Those eyes are going to be my death istg. ''Wh-what d-do you w-want?''  I asked. He was about to say something but then someone grabbed my hand and pulled me so I was behind him.

''Jungkook-ah, don't you know you're scaring the shit out of her? If you really love her, you wouldn't treat her like this''  Huh, the voice looked like Jimins but I'm sure it's not him since Jimin would never curse and he's shy ''Jimin don't come into our business or else I'll kick your-''  Taehyung was here out of nowhere and grabbed Jungkooks wrist and yelled ''HEY DON'T TALK TO JIMIN HYUNG LIKE THAT WOULD YOU? JIMIN HYUNG LOVES AND HELPS YOU WITH EVERYTHING SO DON'T TALK TO HIM LIKE THAT? QUICK SAY SORRY TO JIMIN HYUNG'' Jungkook was looking at the ground, he looks like a baby who lost his mother omg he looks so scared I feel so bad for him ''Jimin hyung, I'm really sorry for what I've just said. I won't do it anymore please forgive me hyung''  Jungkook bowed, I could see in his eyes that he was really sorry ''Hey it's okay. But I'm serious don't treat her like you're doing now because she will be scared of you.'' Jungkook nodded and turned to me ''Y/N noona I'm really sorry for what I did I'm really sorry forgive me please''  he said shyly while he was bowing. I nodded and Taehyung said to Jungkook he will go home with him so they walked away from Jimin and me.

Wait, I'm alone with Jimin now.

''I'm sorry for what Jungkook did to you. Sometimes he can be really annoying, but most of the time he's a cute fluffy bunny''  he said while smiling. I smiled too and he was staring at me with intense eyes and walked to me. ''You're the one right?''  I looked at him with a -what- face. ''You're the one he's always talking about right? The one he misses for 7 years. His best friend. The girl he loves with his whole heart?''  I was shook by his words. Did Jungkook really talk about me when he was with them or is he lying? ''I'm not lying he really loves you''  wtf how did he know what I was thinking about ''Don't curse you little kid and yes I know you're shocked about me knowing what you're thinking about''  Oh god he really knows it, help me ''Hahaha come with me, I'll bring you home'' he said while smiling. We were talking about our lives when we were walking to my home.

When we're at my home I bowed and said ''Thank you Jimin oppa I'll see you tomorrow''  ''You're welcome and just call me Jimin. I don't like to be called oppa''  he said while smiling, I opened the door and said goodbye to Jimin and Jimin waved with both of his hands while smiling. When I was inside my house I walked to the window to see Jimin walking to home, but he wasn't there. I shook my head but he really wasn't there anymore. Wtf, did he just disappeared in front of my house?

It was the next day in the morning

Still Y/N POV

I was walking to school. I was dreaming about what happened yesterday. Why was Jungkook angry. How dafuq did Jimin know what I was thinking about. How did Jimin dissapear in front of my house. 1000 questions were in my head.

When I was at school. I felt 2 muscular arms by my waist. I was quite in shock because I didn't expect that. I turned to the person

''YAH JUNGKOOK AH. YOU SCARED ME YOU IDIOT!'' I yelled. He was jungshook. ''Oh noona I didn't want to scare you. I just wanted to surprise you'' he looked down, he's such a cutie ''I was just kidding you cutie'' I was squiching his ADORABLE CHEEKS. He went from sad to bright smile in 0,4 seconds. He held my hand playfully and we went to the class while swinging our hands

 He held my hand playfully and we went to the class while swinging our hands

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When we were in class. Jungkook left me and sits next to Jimin. Well thank you -_- The teacher came in and said ''Hello classmates today we have a new student. Come in''  a boy went in the classroom. Wow he's quite handsome. He introduced himself and bowed ''Hello classmates my name is Mingyu (A/N: you pronouce it as Min-Gyu). I hope we can get along. Please take care of me''  he smiled. Well that's it. He is way TOO cute ''You can sit anywhere you want''  the teacher said. He sat next to me ''My name in Mingyu. What's your name?''  ''Y/N''  ''I hope we can get good friends'' he smiled. I heard the girls whispering about his handsomeness. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HE'S SO CUTE. We were listening to the teacher and when we were doing homework we both talked about our lives. Suddenly the bell rang. ''Hey Mingyu. Do you want to sit with me during lunchtime''  ''Sure that would be great'' he said. Jimin tapped Mingyu's shoulder''Hey you're Mingyu right? Can we talk to you for a little bit?''  ''Oh sure. Y/N I'll  see you in the canteen.''  Mingyu said. 

Jimin POV

When I saw that Mingyu boy I wasn't really interested so I was talking with Jungkook about Overwatch (A/N: yea idk). I was staring at that boy to see what he's thinking about. I know I'm ruining someones privacy but honestly I don't care at all and he doesn't look like someone you can trust. 'All these fangirls hahaha ew sluts. I know I'm handsome but goddammit don't overreact. Hey someone there looks like a nice target to rape. Lemme go to her' OH NO HE'S NOT GONNA DO IT WITH Y/N ''Hey Jungkook I think that new guy wants to rape Y/N. Shouldn't we do something about that?'' his eyes widened and his eyes were full of anger. ''HE WANTS TO DO WHAT''  he screamed in silent but loud enough for me to hear it. ''I fucking know right I want to beat his ass up now'' I see Jungkook making a fist with his hand 'Nobody is going to rape my noona. Hahahaha wait my friend I'm gonna kill you'  I tapped his shoulder ''Jungkookie we can both kill him. It will be more fun''  He smiled ''Thank you hyung'' The bell rang so we stood up and I tapped Mingyus shoulder ''Hey you're Mingyu right? Can we talk to you for a little bit?''  he nodded and said bye to Y/N (A/N: just look above what he said) 

Me, Jungkook and that guy were alone. Jungkook pushed him to the wall and grabbed his neck to make him choke ''I know what you were thinking of. If you ever hurt Y/N hahahhaha boy you're in trouble. Underfuckingstand?'' Jungkook said threateningly.  Mingyu slapped Jungkooks hand multiple times to breathe again, Jungkook pulled him to the ground so I was beating this guy up. Jungkook went out the classroom to find Taehyung and 3 seconds later they both teleported here and beated Mingyu up. He was on the ground blooding as hell. Jungkook grabbed his shirt and touched his chin to make him looking right in his eyes ''I say this for the last time. If you ever hurt Y/N, we will find you and we will kill you. You better don't touch Y/N if you don't want to be kill-''  ''Jungkook stop it! Go to the principal NOW!'' the teacher said pointing at the door. (A/N: HEY STAB IT HAHAAHHAHA) Jungkook looked at the teacher and said ''Uhm how about no?''  Someone walked in. Mine, Jungkooks and Taehyungs eyes widened ''Y/N!!!'' we both 3 said at the same time


I suck at writing tbh. I (J-)hope you liked this chapter though. idk why I always make long chapters. I guess my hands like to type. I'm working on chapter 5 rn ^^


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