Chapter 16

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"Yo Kells" Mingyu appeared out of nowhere in Kelly's room, making her scream and drop the bowl of Ramyeon she was holding. Just a few centimers before the bowl reach the ground he saved the bowl from breaking

She sighed out of relief "Thank you Mingyu oppa, you saved my life"

"Yeah sure... And since I saved you, you should do something back for me"

"Uhm... No? Go out of my room I can smell your dirty testosterons" she pushed him and walked out of the room. When she opened the door, the door was closed again by a strong force. She flinched and dropped the bowl again. This time it landed right on her fight and it broke

She hissed in pain and tried to walk to her bed but she fell on the ground "Don't stand there! Help me" she yelled. Mingyu rolled his eyes and lifted her up with ease and dropped her on her bed. He got on top of her and wiped her hair away to fully display her neck. He stroked her neck "You're such an annoying bitch do you even know that? I hate how you think you're all that and pretty when you're one of the most ugliest and weakest human alive... You don't know how much I want to kill you with my bare hands"

He gripped on her neck tightly. And now that he's a vampire, he's strong enough to break bones with ease. Kelly whimpered in pain and tried to push him away but it was like pushing a brick wall "Darling there is no use in pushing me... You know that I'm much stronger than you"

"MOM HELP ME! SOMEONE TRIES TO KILL M-" Mingyu hit her face so hard that her jaw was deformed "You just digged your own grave bitch. I wanted to fuck you at first, but seeing you from so near makes me wanna puke. You're surely the ugliest human out there" he chuckled and showed his fangs. The girl's eyes widened when she saw those fangs

"Y-you're a v-vampire?"

"Yeah. Cool right? And this vampire right here is going to kill you! Doesn't this sound fun" He laughed evilly and was about to bite her "NO! I SWEAR I'LL DO ANYTHING JUST DON'T KILL ME PLEASE!" she screamed

"Anything you say?" he stopped his movement and saw that the girl nodded in fear. A smirk formed on his lips as he thought of the perfect plan to make you suffer

"I won't kill you... But in one condition" he said before he got so near her that the girl could feel his warm breath in her neck "You and me. Are going to kill Y/N" and then his fangs digged into her neck


"I don't get it. How is your hair so soft and perfect! Like you don't have any tangles!" you said as you were braiding Jungkook's hair. You 2 were spending your time on the sofa for the whole day cuddling

"We call that combing or in JK style: Cumbing" he chuckled. You rolled your eyes and continued to braid his hair. Suddenly you had the feeling to vomit

"Wait" you said and sprinted to the bathroom. You vomitted in the toiletbowl as your sight got worse. The world was spinning as sweat began to form on your forehead

"Y/N? You're okay?" Jungkook said as he knocked on the door. When you vomitted again he opened the door and his eyes widened "Baby! Oh man holy shit what did you even eat!" He panicked and patted your back. You coughed and stood up to clean your mouth. The gross taste of vomit was still in your mouth as you almost cried

His hand touched my forehead "Gosh baby you're so hot I can even fry an egg on your forehead!" He lifted you up to your bedroom. He placed you on the bed and tucked you in "You should rest as much as possible. If you have to vomit again, here's a bucket. If you need anything you can call me" he said worriedly. I nodded and closed my eyes. Soon I fell in a deep sleep


Jungkook POV

Holy shit holy shit holy shit I'm worried as fuck. I mean who's not if your girlfriend suddenly vomits out of nowhere and even twice! I feel so bad for her, I want to take all her pain away

She was laying on the bed as I heard her heartbeat going slower and calmer. When it got stable I teleported to my house

"SEOKJIN HYUNG!" I screamed. I heard a yes and flashed to him. He was eating steak which made me confused at first but then I remembered he was like me who can eat human food. Lucky him

"I need your help" I said and smelled the steak... Ugh I want to eat it. But knowing how he is he'll definitely not share with anyone

"With what?" He said as he took a big bite till his mouth was full making his cheeks go all full and round

"Y/N is sick. Can you please come with me and heal her? I'm worried about her! What if she dies!" I yelled out of frustration. I looked at him and saw him chewing agrresively. I heard him swallowing and finally talked "When I'm done with this, you know that food comes first. Especially for a human food eating vampire" he wiggled his eyesbrows and took another big bite

"Hyung Y/N is in big danger! Drop that fucking fork and come with me! You can eat whenever you want and not die while my baby is there being sick in her bed and will probably even die soon! Please hyung... Please save her. I beg you" I begged Seokjin with tears in my eyes. He looked at me and drank his glass full with water

"Fine. But you have to pay for my next meal!"

"I promise!" I said and then we teleported to Y/N's house

Seokjin walked to her and touched her cheek. If it was someone else touching her like that I would rip all his limbs off and slice his neck and feed it to a tiger


And looked at him

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And looked at him. Suddenly a blinding light started to appear making me squint my eyes but it was gone in a second

"Some good news and extremely good news!" He said excitedly and clapped his hands. I looked at him and waited for him till he says something "Okay so I healed her and I found the reason why she was sick and vomitting everywhere" he said and suddenly smiled like an idiot. I stayed silent so he can continue

"Your horny ass fucked her so much that you created a tiny Jungkookie!"

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