Chapter 18

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Months has passed my belly turned from flat to big and round! The first few days were like hell because I kept vomitting and sweating and I kept feeling dizzy. The first day Jungkook already told me I was pregnant. The word 'happy' is an understatement, I felt so much more than just happiness. I couldn't believe I was carrying a little Jungkook in my stomach

These months were always either me vomitting, getting sick or us fighting because he was overprotective and I wanted to do something adventurous. Like grocery shopping! He practically lived in this house because he's always there for me. The only times when he isn't here is when one of the members comes here to take care of me while he was busy drinking blood from girls

Yes he's still killing around people, but not as much as he used to. Which I'm relieved to. I hate it when he's killing people. I'm against violence, I want the world to be safe and free from crime

But that's too much to ask for of course, I'm happy as long as it's not Jungkook who's doing his bloody stuff. There was only once when he tried to drink me, but then he got some senses back into his cute head. After that he never hurt me again

"Hi babygirl!" I flinched in my bed when I heard my boyfriend's excited voice "Aigoo did I make you scared? I'm so sorry my cute bread roll"

"What's with that pet name?" I laughed and then he put a paper bag on top of my nightstand. I see we're being environment friendly? No plastic bags "I was craving for bread rolls, so I bought some"

"I thought you made them yourself" I said and ate the bread roll. It was so fresh and still warm. It was so soft "I can't even cook egg fried rice how do you expect me to make bread rolls?"

"I don't know... Search for it"

"I did and all I got was this bbc lady getting roasted here and there"

I giggled "No I meant how to make bread rolls"

"Oh" he looked at his lap making me giggle again. God how did I get so lucky? He's only a a year younger than me but he looks like a baby but also so manly and handsome and sexy while I looked like a potato

I didn't notice him staring at me with the softest smile ever. That until he cupped my cheeks and kissed me on the lips. I kissed him back, smiling a bit at how great of a kisser he is

He bit my lip and I opened my mouth so he slid his tongue in my mouth. We fought for dominance and he won with ease. He put his hand on my nape to intensify the kiss. He pushed me softly to make me lay down on my bed as he hovered on top of me

His lips moved down to my neck and he gave me butterfly kisses as I felt his wet warm tongue licking my neck "Oh god... Jungkook" I moaned softly

He continued to attack my neck and collarbones. I felt so horny. I remembered the last time we had sex and he was so fucking aggressive. I smiled and realized I'm about to relive the same amazing wonderful moment again

He already made me horny just by touching and kissing me. Gosh he's so sexy. What I didn't notice was his smirk and then he pulled away. I widened my eyes missing his warmth "Noooo why did you stop? Continue what you're doing please?"

"Nahh. You shouldn't lay down after eating. It's bad for your stomach"

"But you already made me horny. Please just one round and I promise to never lay down after eating again!" I pleaded but all he did was chuckling before giving me a soft kiss on my forehead. He pulled me up to sit "Enjoy your meal babygirl. I'll be downstairs. If you need help or anything don't hesitate to give a scream. A whisper is also okay I can hear you anyway"

Oh yeah he's a vampire... I sometimes forget that oops "Okay I need you now. Please just one finger?"

"Nope" he smiled as he popped the p sound. I pouted and glared at him while he gave me his signature cute bunny smile

"I love you" and in an eyeblink, he was gone

I sighed while looking down at my lap 'If he doesn't want to fuck me... I guess I'll have to masturbate?'

"NO" I heard a high pitched voice at the back of my head "Shut up Jimin"

I stripped off my clothes and touched my clit


"JEON JUNGKOOK" a small boy appeared out of nowhere in Y/N house "Ahh that was why I couldn't find the jampot" he glared at Jungkook who was chuckling and threw a pillow at him which he easily dodged "What are you doing here tho?"

"To stop Y/N from masturbating"

"What the-"

"Go upstairs and bang her! You should be the one pleasuring her not herself"



"AHHHHHH" I moaned from the pleasure of fingering. I never knew masturbating felt this good, but not as good as having actual sex with Jungkook of course. As I was about to reach my climax, someone suddenly opened the door

I screamed and covered my body with my blanket. Jungkook walked in and I gripped on my blanket tightly, not wanting him to see my naked body. However my strength wasn't even a bit close to his as he easily snatched the blanket away revealing my naked body

"Now stop there what you were doing and listen to me" his voice was stern and it did intimidate me but I tried to keep myself strong by not flinching

"If you ever feel horny or anything, you should ask me. I don't want anyone, not even yourself, but me to give you pleasure. The only reason why I stopped myself from wanting to fuck you is because as I said it's bad for your health. I don't want you to get an upset stomach so I tried my best to control myself. So don't even try to touch yourself like that or I'll come to you and cuff you up"

"Hold up there" Jimin came in and pulled Jungkook away who was scaring, well not really, tf outta me "Do you have any blood in this house? I'm thirsty"


"Then can I get Y/N's bl-"

"No get out"


"I said get out"

"Pfft fine then" Jimin pouted and disappeared in an eyeblink. Jungkook's face turned towards you and widened his eyes because you were fingering again when he was talking to Jimin. He grabbed your hands and pinned them against the bed

"Fine. You're horny? Then you better spread those legs for me because I'm not going to finish fucking the hell outta you till you know nobody can ever touch you the way I can"

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