Chapter 2

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A/N: I found this AMAZING fan art on google images. 

Now for the long-overdue second part of this story.



Vision smiled delightfully, "That great! As I was saying, Dr. Banner, I will like to take Miss (Y/N) to meet the rest of the Avengers and show her around the tower if that is ok with you,"

"Of course you may Vision, she is all finished up here, but you may want to change into these (Y/N),". He hands me some clothes as I realize I am practically naked, with only panties and a bra.

"Oh, yes thank you, Dr. Banner," I said, as I slip on the clothes. Once I was finished, I looked up at Vision sheepishly and quietly told him I was ready.

"Alright Miss (Y/N) let's meet the rest of the Avengers,"


As Vision and I walk down another corridor he points out everything and I listen with much interest. Even if I'm concentrating on what he is saying, I am having trouble stopping looking towards him. I find him fascinating and I can't stop looking at him, what feeling is this? Vision leads me towards the end of the corridor where it opens up into a large room with a sitting area and also a decent size kitchen. After I notice the room I notice everyone in the room staring at me.

"Everyone, this is (Y/N). Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner created her," Vision says as I stand there trying to make myself as small as possible as everyone stares at me open-mouthed.

The first one to come up to me is a tall muscular man with short blonde hair. "It's nice to meet you (Y/N). Welcome to the team," he says while reaching his hand out.

I take his much larger hand into my petite one, as he tries to introduce himself I cut him off and say, "It's nice to meet you too Captain Rogers,"

"Well, she definitely has Vision's mind," a man I know as Sam Wilson aka the Flacon chuckles.

"Yes, I guess I do Mr. Wilson, especially since Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner created us both," I say with a smirk.

"Oooh, I like her," a woman named Natasha Romanoff exclaims.

"Thank you, Miss. Romanoff,"

"Call me Natasha please," she says coming over to shake my hand.

Vision then introduces me to the rest of the team, even we both know I don't need introductions that my facial recognition system is up and running. 

"Well, now that y/n and everyone else knows each other, I should show her to her room," Vision says.

As Vision and I walk down the corridor to the elevator we are silent. Even though I am an android I can still tell it is uncomfortable. We get into the elevator and feel very nervous as humans call it. Vision makes me feel nervous. Why? 

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