Chapter 3

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Look how cute Vision is in the fan art!!!!!

Fanart I found on Pinterest. I know it has Wanda too but in this story, Vision, Wanda, and y/n are all going to be really good friends.

Hope you guys like this chapter.



As Vision and I walk down the corridor to the elevator we are silent. Even though I am an android I can still tell it is uncomfortable. We get into the elevator and feel very nervous as humans call it. Vision makes me feel nervous.



It has been a few days since I have woke up and been in the Avengers Towers. Everyone has been very nice to me whenever I see them but I have been spending more time with Vision than with anyone else. But, I still have this strange feeling in the pit of my stomach whenever he's around or when I think about him. I guess being brand new to this world and not being accustomed to regular human-like feelings does have its downside.

As I sit in my bedroom and contemplate these things I hear a knock on my door. I get up to open the door and am surprised to see the face I do.

"Hi, y/n," Wanda Maximoff says with a cheery smile.

"Hello, Wanda, what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Oh, I just came here to you," she says as I invite her into my room and closed the door.

"And why is that," I say questioningly.

As she smiles sweetly she says, "Well you've been here for a couple of days and nobody knows anything about you or what you're like,"

"Everybody worries that I'm going to be another Ultron?" I say raising my eyebrow.

She looks down onto the floor and she allows herself to sit down in the chair in the corner and sit on my bed. "Well, some people," she says sheepishly, but then panics, "But don't worry I don't think you are! Your mind screams kindness and that you are gentle,"

"Well, that's good," I smile. "I'm glad that you don't think I'm a murderous robot trying to wipe out the entire human race," I said sarcastically.

"Yeah, Tony definitely created you," she giggles.

"Yes, he did," I said logically but Wanda looked at me with a 'seriously' look on her face. "That and he also programmed certain traits to make me act more human along with humor. Which you can imagine he definitely had some input on.

"Yeah, I can imagine. So, have you been spending time with Tony or Bruce in the lab?"

'Yeah, I have, but mostly just run tests. The rest of the time I'm here in my room or with Vision," I say and that strange feeling almost like fluttering in my stomach comes back. 

"Oohh," she says smirking. "So, you and Vision are close then?"

"I guess. I mean we're the only people who are like each other and he is starting to help me learn about the new world," I say feeling my face heat up.

"You so Like him," she squeals. "I called it the moment he introduced you to all of us,"

"No!" I say quickly. "I don't like Vision. I don't know what you are talking about,"

"Yes you do," she jumps walking over to me.

I knew I was screwed then. "Ok. If I did, he definitely doesn't like me,"

"Yes. Yes, he does," she says I stare at her in shock. "I could feel the emotions coming off of him when he introduced us. I mean you should have seen the way he looked at you,"

"How did he look at me," I ask with my brows furrowed. She puts her hand on my shoulder and says. 

"With love,"

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