Chapter 4

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Look how cute Vis is in this wonderful fan art by the username Hallpen on Deviant Art.

And by the way, I wrote this at like 3 am so it's probably not that good.

Sorry, it's really late I've been sick.



"Ok. If I did, he definitely doesn't like me,"

"Yes. Yes, he does," she says I stare at her in shock. "I could feel the emotions coming off of him when he introduced us. I mean you should have seen the way he looked at you,"

"How did he look at me," I ask with my brows furrowed. She puts her hand on my shoulder and says.

"With love,"


It has been a week since I had my conversation with Wanda and I was, um what do humans call it, oh FREAKING OUT! I couldn't wrap my head around how Vision could like me, because of this I've been trying to avoid him. Yes, it probably isn't the best idea, but it is the only one I have for now.

Since I've been avoiding Vision I have been getting closer to the other Avengers. I, of course, am still going to the lab so Dr. Banner and Mr. Stark can run tests on my genetic structure and new powers we have been finding out about. James Barnes and I have become good friends along with Captain Rogers. Both of the men tend to be quiet much like me, the three of us would rather be around people and not talk than be around people and talk about meaningless conversations.

Right now I am sitting in the Avengers Tower's library aka my safe haven. As I'm in the middle of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice I hear someone come into the library through the front doors. I don't really think anything of it so I go back to my book, as I go back to reading I hear humming come closer to the comfy window seat I'm sitting in.

"There you are," 

I immediately recognize the voice. I turn my head to see the man I have been avoiding for the last week with a kind smile on his face.

"I've been looking for you," he says

"Well, you found me," I say with a nervous airy giggle.

Vis sees the book in my hand and smiles as he points to it the looks to me, "Jane Austen is a wonderful author,"

When he smiles at me I feel those so-called 'butterflies' in my stomach. "Yes, she is," I say. "Wanda gave me a list of books to read and most of her books were on the list so thought that would be a good place to start," 

"Yes it is, especially if you love romances," he says sitting in a chair near by facing me. "But, if want tragedy William Shakspeare is the author you should go to,"

"Well, I that's on the list. Wanda is very thorough," I say with a genuine smile on my face.

For a moment there was just silence, not an awkward silence, just a comfortable one, where we had permanent smiles on our faces. When the silence did end, he was the first one to break it.

"Um... I... I would," he babbled, but then took a deep breath and began again. 

"Would you like to sit at dinner with me?" he said with hope and his eyes.

Without even thinking, I quickly said,


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2021 ⏰

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