fighting fire with fire

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Jeff's pov.

that stupid clown, making me do all of this shitty cheesy romance stuff!, geez of all people why is it him?. I sigh and place a hand on my cheek, warm, I shook my head and growled to myself. Your being too responsive to that idiot's goals! There is no way I would fall for that clown!........right?

"I see that you've enjoyed your time bro, what happened?" liu ask with a smug look on his face. At that very moment all the others rushed to the front door to see me in my pathetic state. "aww! Look at you jeff! Your face is red as blood! Did you and that boy had enjoyed yourselves that much?" smiler said in a teasing tone and laughed. "SHUT UP!!!" I said as I growled at them and march pass them and went straight to my room

I jump onto my bed and sigh as I relax "stupid brothers, stupid clown," I whispered to myself trying to support myself to calm down. "I fucking wish I could just-" I said but I was cut off when my phone rang. "speak of the devil" I said as I grab my phone and answered it

Jeff: what is it now laughing jack?

l.j: aww! Don't be so down in the dumps just because our date is over jeffy!

jeff: I'm not upset you moron! I'm just tired!

l.j: hmmhm yeah let's go with that.

Jeff: just what do you bloody want?

l.j: oh nothing. I just got back home and I just want to talk, that's all

Jeff: whatever

l.j:hmph! C'mon! be more responsive jeffy!, show that fun side of yours!

(if only you knew my history l.j) I thought

jeff: shut up clown it's getting late, let's talk tomorrow

l.j: oh okay jeffy, after all you do need your beauty sleep!

jeff: shut up!

l.j: hehe good night jeffy

jeff:.....good night....jackie

I said as I hung up, "why did I say that?" I ask myself, god! Any one! If anyone can still understand me, some one save me from this. This connection is getting to deep. At some point I would end up actually............

-------------------------------------------------------the next morning-------------------------------------------------

I woke up at 3 am "I guessed my bros aren't awake yet" I said quietly as I got up and went to the bathroom and took a bath and stand there in my towel, "what am I gonna say?" I said knowingly that when it comes to my brothers they will embarrassed the living shit out of me. I sigh "man up jeff, you agreed to this with the clown. you need to deal with it" I reassured myself. i growled at the thought, i'm going to make l.j pay for this!

a smirk appeared on my face as an idea pop into my mind"but I'm not going down that about a little hard to get" I said to myself, eyes glowing red as a sign of my mischief, i went up to my closet and grab my normal dress pants and black tank top. 

Now most people believe that I don't have any other decent clothes other than hoodies, jackets, and black tank tops and black t shirts. But other than the 1 polo shirt I own, I do have a black and white flannel that I never use and with that i put it on.

 i Took out a pen and paper and wrote "property of laughing jack"

I know very well that I'm gonna regret this at some point but you know what? Screw it! I lost what's left my dignity to that clown might as well lose what's left of my pride in the process right?. I grab some tape and slightly took of my flannel and stick on the note at the back of my tank top and then wearing my flannel back on

I look at the clock 4 am, I sigh and grab my bag and went to go get breakfast

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