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Jeff's pov.

After the whole scene back there with Nina, l.j was let off with a 4 hour detention. The worst part though is that I have to join him after class. After all he is both my ride and care taker at the moment. Going home alone is going involve me getting grounded for God knows how long if my brothers find out I was left unsupervised.

Right now I was in art class with Nathan. But with the art teacher gone to have a meeting. We were told to stay in the class room until the bell rings, "you and l.j are getting a close connection" Nathan said as he keep his attention on the paper in front of him. "Yeah well, I guess..." I said as I keep my attention to the paper in front of me, doing a bit of artistic calligraphy with a few design here and there. I'm no good at drawing but I do like writing"......Jeff what are you writing?"he ask, stopping at what he was currently doing and look at me in a somewhat worried look. "I'm writing 'go to sleep' in calligraphy and putting a bit of simple design on it,...why?" I ask as I look at him. "Rub your eyes and look at what you made again" he instructed, I look at him at first but follow along

After rubbing my eyes I look at my paper, only to face palm myself. The words that I once thought were 'go to sleep' was replaced by the words ' I love l.j' with the design being all hearts and stars, this is so embarrassing! What the hell happened?! I swear I was writing my phrase on the paper! "When was the last time you took your medicine?" Nathan ask, I thought for a moment "I stop taking my medicine this January" I said, Nathan sigh "well that means your getting hallucinogenic Jeff, why don't you rest for a while until the bell rings? That way you can go ask for some medicine in the nurse office. I'm sure they'll have some in your category" he said

I sigh and nod in agreement. Crossing my arms on the desk and laying my head down on it. Today started off dramatic which ended up with l.j in detention, and now I'm hallucinating. What's next? Cause bloody hell. Today is more hellish than any other day in my sad pathetic life. I sigh to myself as I drifted to sleep. Letting myself knock out from the real world into my fantasies

L.j's pov.

Detention,Sucks!. Not only did i get a 4 hours detention, Jeff got involved as well!. I sigh as I buried my face into the book in front of me, "oh by the way class, the examination have been move. It haven't been decided yet to when it actually would take place, but I assure you that all of you will be notified as soon as we have news, but on a brighter side, this week on Friday we will be having a prom. It's time for All of you to find a partner and start asking" the teacher said.

SWEET! Not only do I get to have a dance with Jeff in public, I can finally ask him to do something I've been oh so meaning to ask!, "pack up Laughing jack, the nurse called. She said your excuse from your detention and other classes and wants you to go to the office immediately" the teacher said breaking me out of my thoughts "uh....ok" I said as I leave the class room and went to the nurse's office. Excuse from detention and the rest of the day? Can't this day be any more interesting?

I walked into the nurse office to see Jeff's friend and the nurse standing by the bed with......Jeff...."what happened!?" I ask as I run up to Jeff's side. "Jeff is sick and needs to go home, he explained to me both of your situation so you two are both suspended today of school" nurse Ann said and look at me sternly "l.j I need you to keep Jeff on these medicine, 2 times a day. Understand?" She said I nod response, "good, it's about to be lunch, all of you kids be careful now" she said we nod, Nathan saying a sudden goodbye to me and nurse an and left

I hung Jeff's bag over my shoulder and son pick him up bridal style "Oh and laughing jack" nurse ann called me "yes ma'am?" I said sarcastically as I look at her "take care of him, he's a keeper" she said and soon disappear in the storage room. I smiled and sigh

Jeff in my arms sleeping soundly, I walked out of the school before the bell rang and walked to Jeff's home. Dropping our bags on the couch and taking him up to his bed. Jeff groan "l-l.j?, Where are we?" He said as he look at me sleepily. I kissed his hand "were home Jeffy" i said. He should as he sat up. "Oh ok. Can you get my bag? I left my phone in there" he said. I nod and went down stairs to get his back and went up to him again.

"Thanks" he said as he take his bag and open it.".....Jeffy.....why are there notes in your bag?" I said, with venom in my voice as I notice some letters with love marks on them. He sigh " their letters from my admirers like nina. It filled my locker and the janitor scolded me because I filled up the trash can with them" he explained. How many admirers does my Jeffy have? I felt my blood boil at the thought of other killers at my jeff's side

I suddenly felt a tug on my shirt and soon i was drag down into a kiss "don't act so selfish l.j, after all I am already yours, there's no need to be so over protective ok?,I love you and only you" he said reassuringly as he stroke my head.

I'm huffed as I buried my face into the crook of his neck "you better, I will kill anyone if it means getting you" I respond Jeff hum "sure clown sure. Next time, try to have more restraint over your anger ok?. We don't want to deal with another school violation now do we?" Jeff said almost like a mother scolding a child in a worried yet gentle manner I hummed in response

Who ever jeff's suitors are, I'm ready to fight them for jeff

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