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I ran down the river my weapons strapped on. I was hurt,bleeding, and terrified. I rounded a coner and was tackled by en empousai "Yes you will do nicley" She purred trying to swipe at me before I cut her in half but I knew I was surrounded as I turned seeing demons everywhere. I didn't trust that man I woke up with but I was getting desperate. I whistled loudly and the air got a metallic smell and the demons erupted in colums of ash. "Whoa fuck me running!" I said falling on my back. In the ground was a burnt message "RUN! FAST." I took that as a sign to book but when I turned my heart fell as I saw Nyx staring my down. The godess/titan of everything dark and evil was standing before me so I did the natural thing. I charged.

I was getting beaten. My body slammed the ground over and over my mouth filled with blood I had cuts everywhere and I could hardly stand. "NO!" I yelled ripping what was left of my shirt off I expanded my wings and flew by hoping to cut her face or anything that might do damage. "Nope nope none of that" She said ripping my wing off.


I put a cool cloth on Nathans head as he thrashed around screaming. I cried knowing I was powerless to help him

Nathan Cross: Son of ThanatosWhere stories live. Discover now