The Fight

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                                                                         1 hour later


As I walk in to the cafeteria something I cant put my finger on it but something just doesn't feel right. I shrug and line up to get my lunch. Macy is standing in front of me talking to, get this, Stone. He smiles at her and she flips her auburn hair. She whispers something in his ear and he smirks. Its sickening, really. After a few more minuets Cade, who was standing further behind in the line, seems to notice what I do. He walks over to Macy and grabs her arm, face filled with anger.

"Lets go Mace. You're coming with me" he says through clenched teeth, all the while glaring at my brother.

"No Cade! I don't want to-" She finally gives in and starts walking away with her brother. "I'll talk to you later Stone!" she yells over her shoulder.


After getting my Apple sauce, 'mystery meat', and my milk from the lunch ladies I walk outside and sit down next to Kay and Lexi at our lunch table.

"Hey." they both say, poking their 'meat'.

"'re not going to eat that, eat you?" I say to Kay as she sticks a fork into her 'meat'.

She shrugs and takes a bite. "A girl's got to eat, ya know?"

I roll my eyes but grab a fork, silently agreeing.

After a few more minuets I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around. The twins are standing behind me, Macy looking annoyed and Cade still looking mad.

"Hey can we sit with you guys? Thanks." Macy says, sitting down at our table with her brother. Macy's leather jacket rubs against my shoulder and I cringe. Something today is just making me jumpy.

"Whatever." Lexi says. rolling her eyes.

Cade laughs. "Get used to us Lexi. We'll be around longer than you think."


Lunch is almost over when it happens. Ten guys, all dressed in black , walking towards our table, knives in hand, eyes locked on me

Macy swears and stands up, and Cade pulls me up and stands in front of me. Macy then reaches into her black boot and takes out two gold hilted knives, handing one to Cade.

"Lets do this."  Cade says right before he tackles the nearest guy. They fight and Macy knocks two of them out with good solid kicks to the neck. In the mean while Cade takes out four more of them with stabs to the abdomen.  Together the twins stab and duck through the remaining three, and soon ten guys lay on the ground, unresponsive.

People around us are screaming, and some are just sitting there, staring at the twins. Macy's dark jeans are now ripped and i can see blood soaking through her white tank top. Cade has a large gash on his forehead and his red t-shirt is ripped in several places. The men put up a good fight.

Somewhere in the distance a siren sounds, and police cars pull up in the school parking lot.

"What-What did they want?" I ask, shock registering on my face.

Macy smiles and says "You."


Just minutes later a police man walked in to the eating area. He was an older man, maybe in his late fifties with grey hair peeking out from under his hat and a few wrinkles on his tanned face.

"Now listen here kids! I got a call from a Miss Kay Lane." At this the twins turned to glare at Kay, who just looked down at her feet."I've been informed that there has been some fighting with some suspicious looking men?" he looked at the ground where ten men dressed in all black lay, most of them not moving. "I see. Now where is your principle?"

Macy hurriedly whispered something in Cade's ear and he nodded. She then walked toward the officer, kicking one of the guys on the ground who was starting to stir on her way.

"Hello sir. I'm Macy Smith, and you are?" she asked, her voice syrupy sweet.

"I'm Officer Ray." he grunted, frowning. "Now out of my way little girl! I need to talk to someone in charge."

"But Officer our principle didn't come in today-"

"Yes she did" Kay started to say, but Cade clamped his hand over her mouth.

"Shut your mouth and don't speak another word. Got it?" he whispered, his voice dangerously low. Kay's eyes widened and she nodded.

Lexi rolled her eyes and whispered "Well great. The new kids are probably murderers and now one of my best friends is a snitch. How much better could this day get?"

"Actually Alexandria-" Cade started to say, but one glare from Lexi made him shut up. I rolled my eyes and looked back to Macy and she Officer.

"So you see it wasn't my f-fault. I was j-just trying t-to protect Arianna! I was just sc-scared." Macy was saying through tears. "My b-brother and I are f-foster children. Daddy's in jail, h-he used to h-h-hit us. No one was ever th-there to protect me, so I j-just couldn't n-not protect her" she was practically sobbing now.

Officer Bill was wiping away tears of his own. "I understand little girl. You really didn't do any thing wrong. I'll just take them with me." he pointed at the guys on the ground who were now starting to stir. "Just stay out of trouble okay?"

"Y-yes sir." she said walking back over to us and wiping tears from her pale face.

Stone looked at us from across the courtyard. He smiled, although it looked more like a grimace, and mouthed "are you okay" to Macy. She smiled and nodded while Cade clenched his fists and looked away.


Soon the officer was gone, and so were the men dressed in black. The bell rang shortly after also, and students started filing back into the school, still not completely sure what had happened.

Lexi walked off first, muttering something about getting to her study hall. Kay left shortly after her, with nothing but a dark look.

"Do you want to walk with us?" Cade asked, looking cheerful.

"No you two go ahead, I'll catch up." I answered. They nodded and walked off. Just then I remembered I had math next, and that Mr. Rodriguez hated it when we were late. I sighed and ran towards the school.

Just as I was reaching the door I heared a snippet of the twin's, who were just in front of me, conversation.

"Dad in jail? That was a great touch! Ha, as if we would ever let him hit us." Cade laughed.

"Why thank you! I thought the tears were quite nice as well." Macy answered, sounding far to cheery for a girl who had just been crying her eyes out.

Cade smiled and rolled his eyes, "Honestly though Mace, I didn't know you were that good a liar."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2012 ⏰

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