goofball (lance)

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A/N: I'm finally back, but with another series???
Woah, author-chan, you finally started liking Voltron???
Anyways, I'm currently on a road trip with my best friend's family right now, and we most likely won't get to our destination for another 16 hours, why not use a bit of time wisely?
(also if I had to choose a favorite character, it'd probably be lance sorry)
I hope you enjoy.
Lance thought you were the cutest thing he has ever laid eyes on.
Sure, his missionly routine would be flirting with at least one girl he meets, but it was all to take his mind away from you.
He was scared that you wouldn't feel the same for him, especially because of the fact that you two have grown so close as best friends.
He tried to forget his love for you, he really did.
Guess what? He couldn't.
The thing he didn't know was that you had that exact same feeling for him.
You felt that since he's been flirting with other girls and not to you, he didn't have any feelings whatsoever.
You decided to just ignore it. Honestly, it did make you pretty jealous, but you were too shy to admit it.
It was just another normal early morning in the shi- BEEP BEEP.
"Everyone, please make your way to the front of the ship!!" Allura's voice blazed through the speakers, causing you to wake up, rubbing your eyes in a sleep deprived manner.
You yawned, putting up your (h/l), (h/c) hair into a messy bun/ponytail.
You walked out with your baggy, grey sweatpants, which cuffed around your ankles at the end, and a black tank top, groggily trying to make it across the hallway.
When you got there, you saw the other paladins, also dressed in their sleeping attire.
Well, everyone except for Lance.
"(Y/N), could you go get Lance?" Allura asked after a long speech, which you weren't paying attention to.
You looked at her and blushed softly. "M-me?" you asked, a bit hesitant. "Fine.." you finished with a whisper, heading back down the dull hallway, turning the corner to which led to the blue paladin's door.
"Lance." you simply called.
No answer.
"I'm coming in, okay?" you called again.
Still no answer.
You sighed, walking in hesitantly.
There he was, still sleeping peacefully as if his room was soundproof.
"You goofball.." you whispered, giggling softly as you sat on the edge of his bed, inspecting him. His short hair still managed to swoop messily across his soft, tan face. His eyelids were closed ever so gently, his short, soft breaths sounded so peaceful, like a calming tune.
You smiled sweetly at the sight. You didn't want to wake him now, he looked so cute when he was asleep.
Gently, you take a hand and carefully push his hairs away from his forehead, pushing it back and behind his ear.
He seemed to have noticed this. A small mumbling sound was heard from him, causing you to laugh softly.
"C'mon, silly, Allura wants us to get up," you said softly, placing a warm hand on his soft cheek.
Of course, you two were best friends, and you would have normally just forced each other to wake up, but this felt different.
Lance blushed softly, leaning into your warm touch. His room was a bit cold, so you could understand completely.
"5 more minutes..." he groaned out, hiding his face against his pillow.
"Fine," you said in defeat, patting his head softly before getting up, getting ready to walk to the door. As you walked, Lance perked his head up.
"(Y/N)," he called out softly, making you turn around in confusion.
You tilted your head a bit in concern, looking at him.
"Stay with me?" he asked quietly, a pleading look present in his eyes. You couldn't say no to such a cute face like that.
You sighed again in defeat, smiling softly as you walked back, sitting on his bed.
He looked up at you with loving eyes. This was his chance to finally confess to you.
With a drowsy attitude, he stretched his arms out and wrapped them around your neck, pulling you down with him. You blushed madly in shock, looking at him as he made one of the most smug faces you've ever seen.
"(Y/N), can I tell you something?" he asked, his eyes slightly closed, looking into your own (e/c) eyes.
You blushed and nodded, biting your lip, wondering what he would say next.
You felt his feet rub against each other, signalizing that he was nervous about something.
"I...I...." he started, blushing as well. "I love you a lot, (y/n); you mean more to me than anyone else," he finished, shyly waiting for a response.
Your eyes widened. You couldn't think of any words to explain how you felt.
"I-I thought you had no interest in me, since you've been flirting with the other girls lately.." you reminded, blushing in embarassment after pointing that out.
He then looked back up at you. "I did that to get my mind off of you," he confessed, sitting up and looking away. "I didn't think you'd like me back, and I'm not sure if you do now."
Lance looked down slightly, biting his lip.
"I can't ever imagine losing someone as special as you in my life over a rejection.. but if you don't feel the same way, I completely understan-"
His words were cut off by a soft pair of lips that fit perfectly with his. They were your lips.
He froze up at first, processing what was happening, then completely gave in, melting into your heartfelt kiss.
When the two of you broke apart, you leaned your forehead against his own, looking into his beautiful, blue eyes.
"Stop worrying so much, you goofball, I've always loved you," you confessed back, smiling sweetly.
Lance gave you one of the purest and brightest smiles he has ever given.
"Stay in bed with me, princess?" he asked kindly, holding your smaller hands into his own.
You nodded, cuddling against him warmly as he wrapped his arms protectively around you, making sure nobody could steal you away.
"You're mine now, k?" he mumbled into your shoulder, still sleepy.
You giggled and nodded, planting a kiss on his forehead as you ran your fingers softly through his short hair, helping him go back to sleep.
"I love you, goofball~"
Extended ending:
Pidge and Keith were sent to go get you two, but when they walked inside, they saw the two of you cuddling, sleeping like a log.
The two looked at each other, sighing softly.
"FINALLYYYYY, THEY'RE TOGETHER," they said in sync, laughing.
You and Lance didn't hear anything, and stayed sleeping soundlessly as the other two paladins walked out quietly, leaving you two lovebirds to be.

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