blabber (pidge)

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A/N: Slowly trying to get back into the flow of writing fics again, so please bare with me. I'm currently updating two books at the same time, so hopefully I can pull this off. I hope you all enjoy!

I'm taking previous requests and working my way upward, so please be patient, I'll get to everyone's, I promise. Thank you so much!

Requested by Hanging_tree_-_

You and Pidge were the castle's cutest couple-
take that back,
the castle's ONLY couple.
Ever since the two of you started dating, it's always been a daily routine to see the two of you together, doing something cute and sentimental.

Until one day...

"BABE, OH MY GOD-" you screamed in anger as the two of you watched the invention you two have been trying to get to work fall apart for the nth time.

"I TOLD YOU TO PUT THE SMALLER BOLT INTO THE UPPER RIGHT SLOT!" you yelled in frustration, grabbing the fallen pieces and placing them in order once again.

"(Y/N), HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT IT'S MEANT FOR THE WIRE NEXT TO THE RED ARROW?" Pidge argued back in an also frustrated tone, grabbing another piece and placing it in an area of best fit.



Lance sighed from outside the door, walking into the kitchen with Hunk, who was groggily brewing some space coffee for the rest of the paladins.

"How long are they gonna be at this?" Lance asked, face planting on the table, the bags under his eyes heavy along with the other paladins.

"They've been at it for about four quintants already," Shiro replied in a muffled tone from the couch, his face planted into the cushions.

You threw yourself on Pidge's bed, staring up at the ceiling and sighing.

It's been four days, and you two still haven't figured out what the quiznak was wrong with the device.

The two of you stayed silent for a small fragment of time, trying to calm down from earlier, like you two always do.

Pidge sighs, getting up and walking towards you.

"Let's try this again, babe," she simply states, holding out her hand for you to get up.

Somewhat hesitantly, you agree, taking her hand and getting back on the floor, trying to figure out where parts go.

About an hour later, the silence goes right back to screaming.

"Here we go again..." the other paladins groan from outside, as if they were already waiting for it to happen.

"NOT AGAIN, (Y/N)," Pidge screamed in anger, throwing the instruction manual across the room in frustration.

"WHAT? WHAT IS IT!?" you scream right back, looking her dead in the eyes.

She sighed and pointed at an exact location on the device. "THIS," she started before moving her finger to a different part of the device, "WAS SUPPOSED TO GO HERE!" she finished, huffing. "HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU ALREADY!?"

You stood up, groaning furiously as you walked around the room.

Pidge sighed once more, watching you. She then switched the pieces she was talking about.

The device started up, causing Pidge's eyes to widen.

"B-babe, I think I figured it ou-"

You interrupted her as your words endlessly spilled out of your mouth, you not noticing that the device was already working.

"It's been four damn days, and all we have is a mistake EVERY TIME-"

"Babe, the device is on alrea-"

You sit back down next to Pidge, criss-crossed, continuing your bickering.

"The thing is that every damn time we try then it just never works out, and the worst part is that we don't know how to control our anger with any of it-"

"Babe, listen," Pidge tries to stop you, yet you continue.

"Can't we just finish this stupid thing and get some rest, please, that's literally all I want for the both of us, but if it keeps going on like this-"

Pidge gave up on trying to speak to you, so she did something completely different.

Sitting on her knees, she moved towards you, bringing herself closer.

Gently, she got up, her face inches away from yours until you regained consciousness of what was happening.

Her lips softly collided with yours as she finally shut you up, gently moving in sync with yours.

After a bit, the two of you broke the kiss, glancing into each others' eyes as she smiled at you.

"If you weren't rambling so much, you'd have probably noticed that I already figured it out~" Pidge teased, smirking at you.

You gazed at the device in awe, then at Pidge,

Your small smile turned into a big smile as you gently pounced on her, knocking her down to the ground.

"I love you, I love you, I love you," you exclaimed, cuddling with her on the ground.

She smiled sweetly as she planted kisses on your forehead, nose, and lips.

"I love you too, you dork~"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2018 ⏰

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