only mines (jealous! keith)

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Requested by Tillylol87, hope you all enjoy!
It's only been a month since you and Keith became an official thing in the castle.
Did that mean you two had a perfect relationship?
Not exactly.
It wasn't that Keith was talking to other people, it was because Keith was simply not spending enough time with you.
Anytime you'd try to talk to him, he'd say he was busy, and was going to go train in the training room.
Anytime you wanted to cuddle in his room with him, he'd already be knocked out from the previous battle/training.
You were obviously very upset about this, yet you didn't mind at this point.
You were used to it.
You didn't want to break up with Keith though; you loved him too much. He was such a sweetheart to you.

Though, you didn't want to keep holding in these stupid feelings that weighed you down.
You decided that today would be the day you talked to someone.
And that someone was your best friend, Lance.
He's been your best friend since before the Garrison; you'd hang out with his family when you were younger.
The two of you shared the best memories; you two were practically siblings.
Anywho, you wandered over to the living room, and your assumptions were correct.
Lance layed on the long couch, his leg dangling off of it. Once he saw you, he gave you a smile and sat up, giving you some space to sit down.
"Hey Lance, can I talk to you about something?" you ask, your fingers twiddling on your lap.
Lance looked at you in a concerned, scooting closer. "Sure, what's up, mija?" he asked softly.
You sighed before looking down. "Well, Keith has been pretty damn distant from me, a-and I don't know what to do, to be honest.." your voice slowly getting softer.
Lance thought for a moment, then gave you a reassuring smile.
"I'm pretty sure it's just Keith trying to get used to the idea of love," he replied, leaning back on the couch. "I think it'd be best if you tried to relieve your stress by distracting yourself."
Lance then walked over to the TV that Pidge invented, grabbing the controllers from the game console that they bought at the space mall that one time.
"Bet you can't beat me~" he teased with a daring smirk, handing you a controller.
"You're on," you replied just as teasingly, watching as the familiar childhood game that you two used to play started up.
A few hours passed, and distant screams and laughs could be heard from the two of you.
Little did you know that Keith was already walking in, investigating where the noise was coming from.
"What the hell, Lance!?" you heard Keith shout in anger from the door.
You paused the game and walked over to Keith, trying to calm him down.
"Babe, it's not what you think-"
Before you could say anything more, Keith grabbed your wrist and took you to his room. You gave Lance a "sorry" look as you were being dragged out of the room.
Once the two of you got into Keith's room, he shut and locked the door.
"Keith, what are you-"
He shut you up by pinning you against the wall, his lips collapsing roughly into your own. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you tried your best to keep up; you could tell Keith was really angry.
The passionate, lustful kiss quickly subsided when you heard shaky breaths between the kisses.
You slowly put the kiss to the end as you heard that.
You gently pressed your forehead against Keith's, looking into his eyes that were now filled with tears.
"Baby... were you jealous..?" you whispered.
Taking your dominant hand, you wiped his tears with your thumb, your heart aching at the sight.
"Lance and I have a sibling relationship, sweetheart... there's no need to get jealous, my love.."
Keith simply hid his face into the crook of your neck, sobbing softly.
"Please don't ever leave me, (Y/N)... I'm so sorry I haven't been a good boyfriend.. I love you.." he whispered as you stroke his hair gently.
"I love you Keith, you're the best boyfriend, okay? I won't ever leave, I promise."
And with that, you two shared a sweet, loving kiss before heading to bed,

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