No one

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I walked out of class and Chris runs behind me. "So are you going to help me?" I stop. "Oh um yeah." Chris laughed a little and handed me his schedule. "Do you hate me?"Chris asked with a worried look on his face. "No why you say that?" What made him ask me that question? "I was just wondering because you barely looked at me and you have this look on your face that I can't really read." Chris touched my arm. "Um no-"I pulled my arm away. "I don't hate you. I'm just confused." "Why love?" why is he being so nice to me? "why didn't you choose Brittany any other boy would've." Chris smirked. "I'm not like any other boy ma and plus you're way more beautiful that any other girl in there." I figured he probably just lying. I just looked down at the floor. "Um". Chris frowned. "You don't think that?" I still was looking down then I looked at the schedule. "Well it looked like you have my next class so come on." I started walking away until Chris grabbed my hand and pulled me toward him. "Not until you answer my question." I didn't looked at him. I just pulled away and continued to walking.

Chris' POV

Wow Ayanna is sexy. Too bad she doesn't see it. She didn't answer my question but silence was all I needed.

I was walking behind her as we went to English. Damn that ass though. Hold on let me stop this is what got almost got my ass in trouble last time. I always end up messing things up when I let me dick do the thinking. She's not like the others. I wish I didn't have this problem but I do. "We here." Ayanna said making me go out of the trance I was in. We walked in and I was bombarded by girls. Ayanna kept walking. "Hey chris my name is Jaelesha but you can call me LeLe. Or whatever you want." She said with her finger tracing on my lips as she bit hers. I mean LeLe was fine as hell. "I'm Ashanti, her twin. You can have twice the fun with us." She put her leg around me. I can't deny it did turn me on. Thank god the teacher said something before something popped up. "Ok ladies get off off him now. Hey Chris I'm Carmen." She looked kinda young to be a teacher. "I know you probably think about how young I look and no I do not go out with students. I'm 27 and you still jail bait." She shocked me a little. "I wasn't thinking that." "Uh huh just saying I have to say it to all my boys. Isn't that right?" I see all the boys were towards the front. "Yes Miss Carmen." They all said. I laughed a little. "But Miss Carmen give me a chance I'm going to be 18 next week." Miss Carmen shock her head. "Ronaldo sit yo ugly ass down no one want you." This girl said to him. Ronaldo just sat down. "I want a man not a boy I'm sorry." Everyone laughed. I could tell she would be cool. "But Chris sit by Cassie." She pointed to the girl who said something to Ronaldo. I walked toward Cassie. I notice Ayanna was siting in the way back not saying anything, but seems like playing a game. I want to sit by her but I sat where I was told. "Hey" I said to Cassie. She had a nice share on her. "Hey don't think I'm one of them groupies I'm not. I'm bi and I have a girlfriend. Plus I wouldn't want you anyway cuz Brittany and her crew will probably run through you faster than a speed train." I laughed then listened to what Miss Carmen had to say.

Ayanna's POV

The rest of English class and art went by fast. Thank god I had the same lunch period with Shanelle who seems to be cool with Mijo and Tyga because they were at our table. "NaNa stop standing there and sit." I sat beside Shanelle. "Where Chris?" Mijo asked. "Some girls surrounded him and I just left. " They laughed. "So this is the girl y'all were telling me about." "Yeah this is Shanelle." "Nice meeting you" Tyga said smiling. I was about to say something until Brittany came over. She bumped into me. "Mijo and Tyga why you here with these losers come over here with us your homeboy over there too." I looked to where she pointed I see Chris sitting there talking to Ashanti. I should've known. I got up and walked out of the cafeteria. I went to the bathroom. I didn't realize I was crying until I looked into the mirror. Why was I crying? Why did I think he was different? No one wants me. Not even Deon did. Man I miss him. I missed my life before all the bull. I wish my life was normal. I went through my book bag and found my razor. I didn't usually cut myself during school because of Shanelle but this is the only way I could take away this pain I had. I don't know why I can just kill myself. No one wants me here no one cares. I'm siting in the stall floor. I started cutting my thigh crying more and more. What do I do? Why can't I be like Brittany or Shanelle? I'm so confused with myself, life and my feelings for Chris. No one can help me no one wants to. No one has felt my pain. No one never will. I have no one.




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