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Jeongguk's POV

"would you look at that, golden maknae, " namjoon hyung said with a smirk on his face. i so badly want to wipe it away but he's still my hyung and jin hyung would beat my ass later.

i let out a huff as i glared at him before looking away, sulking. i kicked yoongi hyung's legs lightly, putting all the blame on him.

"you bribed him, didn't you?!" i jokingly said but my eyes widened when namjoon hyung turned away from me, whistling a broken tune.

"you... hyunggggg, " i whined at him as i started hitting him gently, afraid to hurt him because of a certain someone called jin hyung. he just laughed as he gestures at taehyung.

"what are you waiting for? " he said, eyebrows wiggling. i glared at him again but he just gave me a cheeky smile. i accepted my fate and went towards taehyung.

i tapped his shoulder gently, nervously waiting for him to turn around. soon enough, he turned around and gave me a smile. those boxy smile will be the death of me one day.

"hi jeongguk! do you need something? " he asked as he started wiping his sweat away with a towel. i glared at the towel for a bit before looking at his eyes, making an eye contact. i mentally noted to myself to google how to be a towel.

we stared at each other without blinking, neither wanted to back down. it goes on for a few minutes before my eyes started watering and i blinked. i sighed in despair as he wore a victorious expression on his face.

"so? "

"i... i-i wa-nt t-to befriendswithyou! " i blurted out quickly, i can feel my cheeks burning up from embarrassment. i'm acting like i'm confessing to him, what the actual fuck. i closed my eyes tightly, feeling the embarrassment.

taehyung just stared at me weirdly. his eyebrows scrunched up, confusion etched in his eyes.

"sorry, didn't quite catch it, " he finally admitted as he gave me a sheepish smile.

"i-" i couldn't even finish my sentence when jimin stalked up to us. jimin have this expression on his face that i couldn't quite put a finger on it. jimin puts his hand on taehyung's shoulder.

"hi jeongguk, mind if i borrow tae for a bit? " i shook my head as he sends me a smile before dragging taehyung to a corner.

i turned away and went back to my spot near yoongi hyung, who's not moving. i slumped back to my seat, i don't have anymore energy to go back to the classroom.

"someone should wake up soon, " yoongi hyung muttered as he slowly sat up, patting down his messy hair.

"what do you mean? " i asked, clearly confused. yoongi hyung just looked at me with no emotion at all and shrugged. he called hobi hyung over and they went to their class.

"general math, " i said with a hint of despair. i stood up and entered the locker room, quickly changing my clothes. i wore another pair of jeans before putting on my hoodie.

i sprayed a little amount of cologne before exiting the locker room and going to the general direction of my classroom. in the middle of the hall, i saw taehyung walking at the same direction as me.

i jogged to catch up with him and tapped his back lightly. taehyung quickly whipped his head, staring at me with wide eyes. he lets out a sigh of relief when he saw me.

"god. jeongguk don't scare me like that, " taehyung said with a hand on his chest, dramatically slumping on the wall. i let out a chuckle as he composes himself.

"you have general math too? " i asked, dreading the subject. we probably have mutual feelings when he let out a frustrated sigh.

"yes and tell you what, i hated every single second i spent in there, " taehyung grumbled as he started listing out why he hates that particular subject while we're slowly walking towards the classroom.

i nodded, listening attentively. when i agree with him, i'll let out a stupid comment and a lame pun. we're laughing and all that shit but it all went away when we're right in front of the said room.

we glanced at each other, eyes filled with sorrow.

"well, here goes nothing, " i said before opening the door. i shivered when the cold air hits us immediately. i went to my seat as i stared blankly straight ahead.

i glanced at my side and saw taehyung doing the same thing. i looked away and put my right elbow on the desk before resting my right cheek on my palm, bored out of my mind.

the teacher then started teaching us some stuffs that we probably won't need later on. i let out a sigh and decided to just stare at the window.

orange, pink, red, blue, yellow and black. the sun is setting, making a wonderful view. i was so absorbed by its beauty to notice that the class was already dismissed.

i snapped out of it when a hand made its way to my shoulder. i slowly looked to the hand's owner and smiled when i saw taehyung. he smiled back as i stood up. i grabbed my things as we went out of the room.

"wanna head home together? "

"sure, "


(appearance at the very top)


i'm pretty sure i don't have a bias list anymore smh 

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