아홉 (ahop)

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Narrator's POV

yoongi lets out a groan when someone sat beside him uncomfortably close. he didn't even have to raise his head to know that it's jimin, the younger's familiar thigh is pressed against his right thigh while hoseok's is on his left.

he heard taehyung whining again while the others supplies him with useless information and affection. taehyung is leaning his body on jin making the oldest struggle from his weight. taehyung has been gaining weight recently because he kept eating to 'mend' his broken heart.

"do you really not know the reason? you always bragged about how jeongguk tells you every freaking thing going on in his life and yet here you are, asking us what is the possible reason for the situation that we don't even know for the past month, "

as much as taehyung hates it, namjoon is right. he whined at his hyungs everyday yet he doesn't tell them the whole detail. yoongi helpfully blurted out what he knows, that jeongguk rejected taehyung. that's the last thing he heard before leaving, thinking that he needed to give them privacy.

"calm down, joon. speaking of jeongguk, where's that kid? i haven't seen him around the campus? it's kinda hard to miss a tall ass child with his signature attire, "

jin said as he stole namjoon's food to satisfy his hunger. college is taking all of his energy, it might as well take his life too.

hoseok perked up at that, leaning on the table before saying,

"oh yes. i haven't seen him too since last month? but you know, the last time i saw him, i almost didn't recognized him. jeongguk's too pale, thin and it looks like he's not sleeping well, "

jimin lets out a hum, nodding in agreement,

"hobi hyung is right. i also managed to catch him and have a conversation. turns out that he already have a girlfriend named seoyeon, his crush since elementary-"

yoongi cuts him off, laughing hysterically before choking from his food. jimin and hoseok pats his back lightly while simultaneously asking if he's okay. yoongi signs them that he's okay and not dying because of a food.

"what did you just-seoyeon? childhood crush? of jeongguk? what the fuck? " yoongi started laughing again, slumping down on the table before hitting it with his fist. the rest just looked at him with uncertainty.

"is he finally going crazy? "

"damn, is the world ending? "

"what's so funny about jeongguk's girlfriend? "

the boy with mint hair gave them an incredulous stare. he ever so slowly sat up straight and intertwined his fingers.

"you guys didn't know? seoyeon is his sister? seoyeon have a fiancée already, " yoongi said as he tilted his head to the side slightly. silence reigns on their table as each individuals are processing the newly said information.

"so you're saying that, he lied to me? to us? " yoongi shrugged as he put his elbow on the table before resting his face on his palm.

"not his nor my fault that you guys doesn't ever ask him if he have any siblings, "

"then, do you know the reason on why he can't be in a relationship with me? if you don't, then at least tell us why he's not attending any of his classes for a month? "

taehyung desperately asked, leaning towards yoongi so he wouldn't miss the older's answers. the student in question stared into space, thinking deeply.

"i might know a reason but i'm doubting if it's really that, "

"tell us anyways, " namjoon encouraged him as he wanted to learn more about their youngest.

"well, a few years ago, jeongguk have this disease called coronary artery disease. he managed to tone the disease down and is living comfortably until now. although i think taehyung already knows about that? he must of have told you that already because you're confident as fuck when you said that he tells you everything, "

taehyung gasped before shaking his head.

"no, i didn't know, " yoongi raised an eyebrow at him, not amused one bit.

"i was asking if you know about that but you keep on cutting me off. you even assured me that you know all of his shits so i believed you, "

taehyung hugged jin for comfort. he couldn't believe that jeongguk doesn't trust him enough to tell him that. yoongi's eyes widened, freezing on his spot. hoseok and jimin glancing at him in concern.

"jeongguk is not contacting me for the last month, he said that he's going to stay at his parents, "

"and you didn't find it weird because? " jin trailed off while looking directly at yoongi's eyes.

"cause he always do dumb things like that. he did that too last year, " hoseok hums in agreement and wonder.

"jeongguk declined my confession even though he said that he reciprocates my feelings. jeongguk refused my lamb skewers and doesn't participate in gym class. you guys said that he looks so sick. doesn't this mean, "

taehyung cuts himself off, he doesn't want to say it. he still hopes that it's not true, he hopes that his conclusion is wrong.

they all stared at each other in complete silence. realization dawning into their dumb skulls, "the disease is getting worse, "

someone's phone notification went off, signaling that they received a message. yoongi pulled out his phone from his back pocket. his breath hitched when he saw the name of the sender.

"it's seoyeon. she sent me a voice message," they all glanced at each other before encouraging yoongi to play the voicemail. they almost stopped breathing when the voice message started playing.

"yoongi, " a girl's voice can be heard, it's undoubtedly seoyeon's. the voice sounded in pain as she breathed heavily.

"yoongi, he's gone. jeongguk is gone, " seoyeon's sobs are heard before the voicemail ended. they all froze, processing the situation. namjoon is the first one to snap out of it.

"it's not a prank, right? if it's a prank then it's not funny, " namjoon said in a shaky voice, not wanting to believe what he just heard. The group turned to yoongi for an answer.

"n-no. seoyeon is not the type to joke around with a sensitive topic, " yoongi's notification went off again. seoyeon sent him the location of the hospital.

they immediately left the campus, not caring one bit that they still have exams to finish.

they reached the hospital in record time. they are welcomed by seoyeon, who greeted them with a bittersweet smile. tears still streaming down her face as she hugged them one by one, hugging yoongi longer as she knows that he's the closest to her younger brother.

she leads them on a room where they saw jeongguk on a bed with blanket on top of him. It's almost like he's just sleeping but his chest says it all.

taehyung went near jeongguk. he sat on the chair near his bed as he eyes jeongguk. tears started falling again as he sobs over the younger's motionless chest.

"i'm sorry, jeongguk. i'm sorry, "


all taehyung can hear is a glass shattering.


the next one is the last chapter, fams. be ready xoxo

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