여섯 (yeoseot)

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Taehyung's POV

after many agonizing hours, the bell finally decided to ring. i immediately rushed towards the cafeteria after putting all of my things in my bag.

i reached the cafeteria and started to look for my friends. my eyes fell upon the familiar student who have mint hair, it's undeniably yoongi hyung.

i skipped towards them happily. i greeted them one by one before sitting down because manners.

"oh hey, tae. why is your hair blue? " jin hyung asked immediately, snorting in the process making himself choke. namjoon hyung hands him a cup of water before patting his back lightly.

"because jimin is an asshole, " they all nodded, agreeing to what i said causing jimin to sulk.

"i'm not! " jimin protested weakly but no one paid him an ounce of attention making him sulk some more.

"where's jeongguk? "

"ah, he texted me earlier. he said he have to go to a hospital for his monthly checkup, " hoseok hyung informed me while feeding the half asleep yoongi hyung, who's leaning on his shoulder for support. yoongi hyung said he's too lazy to move.

my mood suddenly went downhill because jeongguk is not here. i can feel myself pouting as i slowly ate my lunch.

"you know, tae. you've been hanging out with jeongguk too much. are you sure there's nothing going on between you two? " yoongi hyung interrogates while eyeing me somehow suspiciously.

"w-what? it's just that jeongguk is my best friend! we get along well so naturally, we'll hang out, "

"yeah sure, tae. we've been best friends for a long time now but we're never that touchy, sweet, and not that attached to each other's hips, " jimin said, eyes narrowing. all of the hyungs stopped eating and gave me their very much unwanted attention.

"spill the tea, " jin hyung made an exaggerated gesture of sipping a tea. slumping down on my chair while rolling my eyes. never knew they were this nosy.

"okay, maybe i have this teeny tiny crush on him but-"

"go confess then? "

"what the fuck are you waiting for?the end of the world? "

"the pigs are gonna fly sooner than your relationship if you keep prolonging this shit, "

"i'm 101% sure that jeongguk have a crush on you too. the kid's literally giving you heart eyes, i'm surprised he still haven't outed himself yet, "

"i appreciate your advices but i'm still trying to grow some balls and before you guys judge us, freaking make sure you're not doing the same thing! i'm so fucking tired of you guys dancing around with each other like, what the fuck? " i snapped at them before gesturing to them with an 'i'm-so-done-with-this-shit' expression.

they all started blushing like some teenage girls, faking coughs here and there. even yoongi hyung sat straighter than an iron rod, claiming that he's not so sleepy anymore. even going as far to dance like a grandpa before settling down again.

silence reigns over us as we're still trying to find some new topics to discuss. yoongi perks up, leaning towards me all of a sudden.

"did jeongguk told you about-" the bell started to ring, effectively cutting him off. i nodded at him before packing my things up neatly.

"yes, hyung. jeongguk told me about how i'm treating him like a slave everytime i sleep. now please excuse me, my classroom is far away from here, " i said quickly before dashing out of the cafeteria, not hearing what yoongi hyung said. i can't afford to skip anymore classes.

i reached the classroom with a minute to spare. i sat down on my seat, still trying to catch my breath.

"tae, you didn't let me finish earlier, " yoongi hyung said after he settled down on the chair next to mine. i forgot that yoongi hyung have this class too.

"sorry 'bout that, hyung. jeongguk told me what happened tho, don't worry. are you referring to the target incident? where you told him to buy an 'enormous plastic organ that can explore deep inside anyone's body while giving a painful but satisfying feeling to the said person's body'? that's an amazingly terrifying specific detail, hyung. i wish i was there, "

yoongi hyung shook his head while laughing, "no no, it's not that, "

"oh? then is it that one time where he got lost in america and you said that the meet up venue is the 'aguste de avenue'? "


"ah! is it when you dared him to do a sexy dance in front of the sm entertainment while you play a trot song ? "


"or is it when he attended a blind date, and he took his date home but his mom is there. he was so shocked and confused when his mom started crying out of nowhere. turns out, his date is his long lost cousin? that shit is so hilarious goddamn, "

"bitch, let me-"

"oh! is it-"

our professor suddenly announced his presence by letting out a fake cough. i froze and slowly turned to look at him. he's standing in front of our desks, clearly annoyed.

"care to share why you two kept on talking like i'm not here for the past 5 minutes? " mr. choi said before crossing his arms. he raised his left eyebrow, tapping his shoes as a sign that he's impatient and really irritated.

"we're so sorry, mr. choi. it won't happen again, " yoongi hyung and i said simultaneously, bowing our heads. our professor nodded before he continued whatever he's teaching.

i leaned closer to yoongi hyung, " is it-"

"kim taehyung, this is the last warning, " mr. choi angrily said. i shrugged him off, not paying him any attention.

"don't worry, hyung. jeongguk tells me everything, "

"okay, that's it! kim taehyung, go to the detention room later! "


(appearance at the very top)


i wouldn't focus on their age and what they are studying so i'm not gonna put many details in those aspects uwu

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