Chapter Five

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The Arwain Chronicles: A Mission Unknown...

Claire stood calmly with Jim at her side and a few others of Dan’s following. The hunters along with everyone that had fought on their side during the war that still lived, also stood beside and around them. They all silently watched as it approached. It was only the few that were already familiar with Chloe that were calm. The rest seemed to be uneasily on edge as they watched the gigantic pitch black cloud approach. The foremost part of the cloud was a little more than the size of a soccer ball. However, it rapidly fanned out and grew in size from there to a tail end that could have easily engulfed a skyscraper. It was an easy guess just who was at the head of the cloud. It was clear to those that knew it was Chloe, that she wasn’t alone. By the looks of it, she’d brought everyone in her care along with her.

They all watched as the cloud descended to the ground. It slowly spread out on the ground and around the buildings or what remained of them in the area around where Claire and the rest stood. It wasn’t until it was uniformly spread out over the ground that people started to materialize from the ethereal form. Claire’s brow rose as she studied the long flowing dress worn by Chloe as she materialized before the rest. Like the cloud had been, the dress was also a deep pitch black. Even without words, the dress declared the status of the one that wore it. It silently exuded not only class and royalty but also power and an air of danger. Claire was not sure exactly whether this was the result of dress itself or the way Chloe wore it.

These factors however, weren’t the reason Claire’s brow was up. Her brow conveyed her surprise because the Chloe she had met almost a year before had never struck her as the kind that would wear a dress of any kind even to her own funeral. The fact that she was now standing before her in what was essentially a Queen’s dress, was quite the change for that girl. She watched as Chloe turned to the guy standing to her right. “Make sure everyone gets settled, I’ll need the routes the lich will be using in making rounds as soon as is possible,” Even the way she talked had changed. While she clearly wasn’t trying to be bossy in any way, there was an authoritative tone to her voice as she spoke. Chloe turned to the girl to her left. “You follow his every instruction,” she directed before( she turned back to them. This time a smile grew on her expression as she regarded them.

The two at her side moved off to execute her orders just as she stepped forward towards her. Claire couldn’t help the smile that grew on her face as well as she too moved forward towards the necromancer. “Glad to see her majesty is doing well,” she teased as she pulled Chloe into a tight hug.

Chloe chuckled at the tease. “Well admittedly, she has seen better days,” she offered indulging the title for a while longer.

“Haven’t we all?” Claire returned genuinely as they both turned towards the building that had been Two's headquarters for the past elven months. Two herself had not come out to meet Chloe and the other necromancers. Apart from the fact that theirs wasn’t the most amicable of relationships, there was also the fact that : was no longer in charge of anyone or anything. Now that Dan was back, she’d relinquished all authority that had been delegated to her back to him. Claire wasn’t entirely sure given how the girl was most of the time, but she thought she could detect some bit of relief and a bit more ease in the girl now that she wasn’t essentially running the world. She seemed a bit more relaxed now that she was just another fifteen year old girl. “I would have offered to have the hunters help in settling you guys but you seem to have everything under control,” Claire said.

“Thank you,” Chloe offered. “But I think my people will need some time before getting used to the hunters,” she stated.

“The hunters weren’t exactly put at ease by your entrance,” Claire observed. “Even for those outside the magical community, necromancy does still inspire a bit of unease,” she added.

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