Chapter Ten

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The Arwain Chronicles: War...

He was going to be torn to shreds, that much was already clear to him. Victor however did not turn and run, despite everything within him urging him to. He returned the were's cold gaze with his own as they both circled each other. This was what he'd wanted ever since his animal side failed to show up at his first transformation, there was no backing out now. As he looked on at the ferocious beast before him, it occurred to him that the beast must have been unable to reach him. He did not know how exactly, but is sure as hell wasn't compassion on the beast's part. Looking at its cold murderous eyes, Victor could see that the beast wanted to tear him apart just as much as he'd wanted to confront it all these years. Something must have been keeping the beast within the forest and away from him. That something was no longer there and here they were.

Despite the fact that he'd actually never fought his own wolf before, Victor had fought countless other wolves in the course of his life. One thing you never did, was show an attacking wolf your back. That was like waving a red cape to a charging bull. "Give up now and I promise to go easy on you," Victor spoke quietly with a lot more bravery in his voice than he actually felt.

His words seemed to be all the prompting the wolf needed. Victor saw it as its muscles tensed. With more speed than Victor would have credited the beast before him with, it lunged forward at him jaws wide open. He only just barely managed to fall backwards on the ground onto his back in time. He connected his heel with the beast's chest hard as he possibly could as his animal side sailed over him. Victor actually surprised himself as the animal was thrown all the way to the other end of the field they were on. He wouldn't have thought himself capable of throwing the large beast a meter away from himself let alone across the whole field. He was on his feet less than a second later, to his further surprise, even before the wolf had had the chance to recover. Perhaps Dan's potion had done more than just release his animal side, he realized with a smile.

A ferociously deep roar of rage rumbled through the beast as it rose to its feet. The beast moved forward with speed ready to tear him apart. Victor kept bouncing on the balls of his feet watching its approach. From about five meters away, the beast pounced. One of the reasons his father had always advised him against such attacks was the fact that once airborne, on had very little ability to maneuver around or change their trajectory. At the very last second, Victor jumped to the side, his body twisting further to the side before just like a spring trap that had just been released, he snapped back connecting a hard blow to the animal's jaw. His knuckles connected with such force that the animals body was turned in half. Victor found himself thinking that it might very well be the first dog in history to catch its tail.

The animal hit the ground with a thud and rolled a few times before it was finally able to bring itself to a stop. When it rose once again, it did not make a full-on charge as it had the first time it had been thrown to the ground. Instead it stood its ground studying him. Victor could quite clearly see it in its eyes that it was re-evaluating him and the threat he posed.

"Like I said," Victor spoke in a low and cold tone of voice. "Submit now, before I break every single bone in your body," he warned coldly. Contrary what one might have thought, being cold and curt, sometimes even brutal if need be, was necessary. It wasn't until after one's animal side had submitted that one could go about creating an amiable relationship between them and their animal side. Before then, there was no difference between encountering one's own animal side and encountering the same creature in the wild. Compassion would go nowhere with the creature and do nothing to aid in its submission. Only a brutal take down would make an impression on the beast and give it reason to seek compromise. A deep growl from the beast let him know that his threat hadn't had the desired effect.

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