Chapter Nine

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The Arwain Chronicles: Reborn...

For a while, all Dan could do was look on in disbelief. He stood frozen regarding his two mates Elly and Ember, afraid that if he moved it would all fade away. That he would realize it was a mirage and that he wasn't really back on the earth realm. It wasn't until Dan became aware that his mate bond was back in Place that the fear that this was all a mirage started to fade. Wordlessly, Dan held open his arms to them. That was all the encouragement they needed rising off the floor, both of them crossed the gap between them in just barely three seconds, Ember getting to him only half a second before Elly. Dan Held them both tight in each arm as they both sobbed on his shoulder partly from disbelief partly from relief. Dan's eyes were also closed he fought not to be overwhelmed by the moment. He'd made it!

When they finally pulled back from the hug, Elly pulled him close their lips melding together in an smoulderingly intense kiss. Dan held her just as tightly returning the kiss with double the intensity. They were both flushed and short of breath when their lips finally parted, this however did not stop Elly from pulling him back for a second kiss just as intense as the first. In spite of the wide smile on her face, Elly seemed unable to keep the tears from flowing from her eyes. Dan sent a flood of love down both their bonds as he turned to his other mate. Ember was regarding him with pure shock and... utter terror in her eyes. "Y... y... yo... you were reborn," she stated her voice barely above a whisper.

Dan's smile widened at her. "I made a promise," was his simple reply even as fresh tears flowed from Ember's eyes. Dan pulled her close to him their lips meeting in a kiss that slowly washed away all the fear and pain suffered in his death and absence. It might not have been a complete day since his death but it might as well have been a decade given all the pain and misery that Dan could feel in his mates. Guilt tore at him for having put them through it, even despite the fact that he could see no other way around what he'd had to do. "I'm here," Dan reassuringly whispered to her when their lips parted. Their foreheads still touched as they both savoured the moment.

"Dan," Claire's voice caused him to look up just as Chloe materialized from a dark cloud right beside the hunter.

Dan opened his arms into which they both wordlessly ran. Long moments passed with them in his arms, as tension, fear and doubt then had saturated every bit of them slowly ebbed and disappeared. When they finally pulled back, Claire was the first one to speak. "I like the new look," she said with a smile to Dan's confusion. The confusion however was short lived however as he conjured a mirror to his side and turned to regard it. The changes were immediately obvious. His hair was no longer jet black but a fiery flame orange and his formerly deep ocean blue eyes were now the same hue as burning coals. Not much else seemed to have changed in any significant way apart from that.

The mirror disappeared back into thin air as Dan was forced to take a step back as someone else jumped into his arms. Her scent betrayed Kirra's identity even before her voice did. Though quite similar to her other half's scent, there was a slight variation that allowed Dan to tell who was who between the two of them. "I knew you would return to us," she said quietly in a tone that relayed that she had very much been doubting this.

Dan silently held her as others in his following flowed into the hall. Soon almost everyone except for lord Arwain was in the hall. "Damn, I didn't think my entrance was that loud," He remarked a bit surprised at how fast his arrival was known to all of them.

"It wasn't," Elly informed him.

"But with that kind of power, I suppose that everyone from here to Africa was aware of it the second you arrived," Ember chimed in.

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