3. A Surprise Encounter

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Author's note: Kinda shocked that some people are actually reading this, thanks everyone!

(Btw it helps when you read it in their actual accents, they don't particulary come out well in writing)


The next day Chloe called and said that she and Izzy were going to stop by my house so that we could get on with this shopping trip. I hadn't even asked my Mum yet.



"Yes, Rae?"

"I was wondering if I could go shopping with Chloe and Izzy? Archie's throwing this small party for us before college starts"

"I thought I told you that you were grounded Rachel? And you have the nerve to ask me if you can go to a party? I don't think so"

"But Muuuuuum"

"Hello Rae" I heard a voice say.

It was Karim, the man my mother kidnapped and fell in love with, I guess he loves her as well, seeing as he stayed here for this long. I don't get why though.

He was in his sleevless undershirt with some dirt stains on it. I think he was working on the bird house in the back yard. 

"Hiya Karim"

"How you are?" Karim asked. He's a really nice guy, I just don't understand how my mother expects me to embrace this man who I haven't even known for more than 4 months.

"Great, I just wanted to ask Mum if I could go shopping today, that's all really"

"It okay, you go. I pay as well"

GET IN! I guess I should ask Mum for permission to go somewhere around Karim more often.

"Oh Alright then, go ahead Rae. But come back soon! I'm making stew!"

Yeah, like that would make me want to rush home.

As I was looking for something to wear, I noticed that I really do need a shopping trip. I've been wearing the same clothes for so long, I think people will start to think I don't own anything else! I decided to go with my Oasis top, leather jacket as well as a pair of leggings. The usual.

*Ding dong*

I came down the stairs and opened the door. Standing there was Izzy and Chloe, both looking very gorgeous.

As soon as I saw them, Izzy came and gave me a hug. That girl is just so sweet, maybe a little too sweet. 

"Are you excited to go shopping Rae?" Izzy asked. I didn't even have to counter the question back, I can already tell that she is buzzing for this shopping trip.

"I mean, of course. I really need a change in my wardrobe, I'm kind of tired of wearing the same things over and over again." I explained.

"I hope you girls don't mind, but I'd like to get to the mall BEFORE it closes, thank you very much". Chloe said.


We were walking around the mall and went to a lot of different shops. If I were in the same place a couple months ago, I would feel completely insecure whilst watching Chloe and Izzy undress in front of me. Now, I'm just kind of insecure, I think.

"So, what do you think. Red sequin top with jeans? Or this black skirt?" Chloe picked up this pair of denim jeans in her right hand, Izzy and I just kind of just scrunched our faces towards it. It wasn't as flattering as the black cotton mini skirt.

"Alright so, no to jeans. Yes to skirt, I guess" Chloe then put the jeans down and paid for the skirt.

Izzy decided to go with a a sweater cropped top with loose ripped jeans. I had to say she looks absolutely incredible. And so will Chloe.

Now it's my turn.

I obviously am aware of what size I am. I'm not going to pretend and look in stores that obviously don't have my size. But a part of me is a little embarrassed to walk into stores made for plus sized women. I know I shouldn't because I should overcome my insecurities, and embrace my size. But it is hard.

"Okay, I know there's a store that has clothes that would look good on me, let's go. Quickly." I started speed walking towards the direction of the store.

I just wanted to buy the clothes for the party and leave. I've never enjoyed shopping, because I either get disappointed in how I look, or I go completely broke. It is a lose-lose situation.

As we were walking towards the store with the sizes I could wear, I noticed in the corner of my eye a guy wearing a leather jacket and a white sweater underneath.


It was Finn.

I wanted to walk the other way, but I was just stunned. He's going to see me, sulk my way into this plus sized store and know what kind of places I shop in. I shouldn't feel like this. He obviously knows my size. I guess I just wanted him to think that I had a size that is available in all stores. Which I do not.

"Finn! Come over here, what ya doing?" Izzy shouted.

What. The. Fuck. Izzy!?

Can't you see that I am going full on stealth mode into this store and you're bellowing his name so the whole mall could hear?  Fucking hell.

I shouldn't even be angry with her. It isn't her fault that she doesn't know I'm completely head over heels for this boy.

He was walking towards us, strutting about with his sexy self. 

Pull it together Rae. You can do this. He will obviously understand that a girl like you needs to shop as well!

"You know, just looking around, I guess. You guys?" He then looked over my head and read the name of the store we were about to walk into. 

Bigger&Better Boutique. 

Then he looked towards me, then proceeded to look towards the floor.

Fuck my fuckin life.

I wanted to knock him out so that he would never recollect what he just saw. But I can't even move, can't even talk. I thought that I was comfortable with myself? Oh no, this is bullshit. For the past few months I have been working on trying to get better. Trying to love myself. But instead, I have just been hiding behind a cloak of confidence when really I was this person who is not satisfied with how I am.

I really need Kester right now.

"We're shopping for Archie's party, trying to look nice and all that," Chloe responded confidently. I wish I could do that right now.

Be confident.

"Okay, that's cool. Mind if I just stay with you guys? I'm kind of finished looking around."  Finn said softly.

Why. Why. Why is this happening to me? I have to say something. Anything.

"Yeah sure, we were just about to go eat" I suggested this knowing that I still need to find an outfit. I am digging myself a hole over here and Finn is going to be the person that buries me alive. 

"Rae, didn't you want to---" I had to stop her before she mentioned the Bigger&Better Boutique.

"No! It's alright, just never mind that. Let's just go eat some food, and possibly go to the pub later?" I suggested. Very nervously if I may add.

"Yeah the pub would be great. You always have the best ideas Rae," He then winked and gave a nudge on my shoulder. 

Just right then, I knew........

That I would have to change my underwear as soon as I got home.

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