I'm stuck

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I'm stuck between you and my new love.

My new love makes me happy

and he's the reason for the smile on my face.

My new love makes me feel  pretty

even when I think I look ugly

My new love

loves me for who I am and not for how I look.

But you....

I don't don't think my new love and I will never had what we had.

You and I would stay up all night

and drown in booze.

You and I would argue on

who loved who more

You and I  would tell the most hilarous jokes

that me make me laugh all night

You and I are one of a kind.

But now I'm stuck

on who I truely want to be with.

Do I want to be with you my ex?

Or do I want to be with my new love?

It's so hard hard to chose,

but to be honest,

even if I chose to be with my new love,

I don't think I'll ever be able to let you go.

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