Letting Go.

296 22 13

Letting go of you..

Is that what I should do?

Should I throw you aside

and forget all about you?

I don't want to,

but this is all well over due.

Loving you is like hugging a cactus

But I can tell you don't care for me anymore

I can tell you would rather be with her than with me

and play that game of yours

where all you do is cheat

and make silly girls like me

falll in love silly boys like you.

I don't need you anymore

Because you don't need me.

You don't want me

And your much better off without me

I'm nothing but a anchor holding you down

just as you are to me.

It's about time that I let you go

So you can be free and look for all of the fish in the sea.

Letting you go today

is the hardest thing I'm going to have to do

Because that means I finaly have to stop loving you.

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