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"Oppa, why do we have to here?" I groan as Seung Hyun brings us into the aquarium.

"Why is there nobody?" Daesung begins running around freely.

"I booked the whole aquarium," Seung Hyun says, very proud of himself.

"Oppa," I grab onto Jiyong's arm tightly as we walk further in.

I see small fishes in their small tanks.

The further we walk in, the bigger the tank was.

The fishes is so big.

"Noona, come here!" Seungri grabs onto my hand and pulls me away from Jiyong.

"Ah Oppa," I shut my eyes tightly when Seungri is trying to show me the beautiful fishes.

"It's pretty!" Seungri tries his best to convince me.

"Yah, Seungri, that's enough." Seung Hyun drags me away from him.

"Come here," Jiyong grabs my hand and held it tightly in his.

My heart started beating really fast, then he pulls me closer to him.

"There's nothing to be scared of, Jae Eun ah." He assures me and he takes a good look at the sharks.

"Jae Eun!" Daesung runs towards me and hand me a pack of fish food.

"Come with me!" I let go of Jiyong's hand and followed him into another room.

The boys followed behind, "Oppa, it's scary." I mutter out to Daesung.

Jiyong put his hand on my back and push me forward gently.

I stand in front of the pond, I just pour the fish food all out into the water.

The fishes started splashing around, "you see, nothing scary." Young Bae smiles.

I feel like I am about to die.

We then continued into the big aquarium, we saw stingrays, starfishes and sharks.

We stop to take a group picture, I nervously stood in front of the tank and smiled.

"Chelsea, your smile is too uh... Awkward." The staff says to me in English.

Oh my god, just take the picture so I can get out of here.


We went back to the villa where nearby there's a barbecue place which is also a pub.

When we got back, it was already 8pm. Some of the people inside is already drunk.

I sit with the boys, and stare at Seungri because the youngest is suppose to cook and he isn't cooking.

I took the chopstick and start grilling for them.

"Thank you, noona." Seungri mutters out, "I will cook." Young Bae takes the chopsticks from me.

Jiyong comes back with beer and set it on the table.

"Look, it's Chelsea!" The man from across the room shouted.

"Don't look up," Jiyong held my head down.

"Don't respond." He added.

"Chelsea, come here and have a drink with me!" Another man from the same table shouted.

I look up, "yah, Kim Jae Eun." Seung Hyun glares at me.

"I will be fine," I stood up from the table.

I walk over to them, "annyeonghaseyo." I bowed politely and sat down with them.

I must be crazy.

After a few drinks, the four men decided to go back to their villas.

I stood up and send them out, then one of them grab a hold of my wrist.

"Come back to the room with me," I chuckled lightly.

"No thanks—"

"Don't kill the joy, Jae Eun ssi." He laughs, getting closer to me.

I took a step back, "I am sorry, but I don't want to go back with you."

He let go of my hand and slap me across the face, I fell to the ground and I got scared.

What did I get myself into?

He squats down next to me and grabs my hair, he looks me dead in the eyes.

"Do you want to go back with me or not?!"

I shook my head and he got up, and started kicking me in the stomach.

"Jae Eun— Yah!" Seung Hyun runs down and pushes the man off me.

I lay on the ground, unable to get up on my own.

"Jae Eun ah!" Jiyong runs down, he carries me up in his arms.


I apply some ointment onto my stomach and rub it a little so it won't hurt so bad the next day.

I then pull my hoodie over me, and walk out in my comfortable shorts.

"Jae Eun ah, it's Jiyong Oppa, open the door." I walk over to the door and open it for him, he comes in with his luggage.

"Young Bae took out up the whole bed, you don't mind I sleep in here tonight right?" He walks over to the hairdryer to dry his wet hair.

I close the door, "whatever. We used to nap together when we were kids." I say, settling into bed.

"Oh yeah..." He smiles sweetly.

He then sets the hairdryer down and got into the bed with me.

"Are you okay?" He put his hand on my chin and check my cheeks.

I just look into his eyes as he examine me, "Oppa, I am sorry." I mutter out.


"I let you worry again."

"Oppa... never stops worrying about you. TOP hyung, Young bae and our dongsaengs worry about you. You're alone in the states, without us in Korea, you will be alone here. Oppa... wants to protect you as much as I could possibly can." Jiyong says in a low tone.

A tear roll down my cheek, "why are you crying?" He chuckles lightly and wipe my tears away.

"Oppa cares about you a lot, so don't get into so much trouble, okay?" He pulls the hair behind my hair.

"Okay, Oppa, thank you." I smiled and wrap my arms around him.

He let out a sigh of relief, and put his hands on my back.

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