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From that morning on, I kept myself busy. I told my manager to give me as much work as possible.

I have interviews everyday, I go on variety shows on alternative days, I spend my nights in the studio.

When he is in the kitchen, I stay in the living room or my room.

It's not as easy as it seems.

I don't have sufficient sleep, my eye bags are really bad but thanks to the power of makeup and contour, I do not have eye bags at all.

Next week, I have a concert with Cnblue.

I am really excited to be performing with them, it would be the first time and... It's gonna be fun.

"Jae Eun!" Seung Hyun shouts.

I walk out of my room, "oppa!" I went over to him.

"You're looking skinny," Seung Hyun then mention.

He eyed me from the top, and I smiled at him.

"How's Jiyong?" He then ask.

I am gonna assume that he haven't tell the boys yet.

"He's with Mi Na ssi." I simply replied.

It's been two nights since he came home.

"I got you food," he tries to lighten up the mood.

I sit on the chair and he prep the food.

"Do you want to tell me something you have been keeping for years?" He then set a plate of rice mix with other ingredients.

"Did Seungri make this?" I furrowed my eyebrows, "yeah, he got a interview today so he made you this this morning." Seung Hyun replies and sit beside me.

"Jae Eun, I am your Oppa... Tell me something about you and Jiyong."

I raise my right brow at him and smirk, "did Seungri tell you something?"

"Does he know something?" He then shot back.

I look away from him, "it's obvious." He then stated.

"Ever since the first we met— it's obvious." He continues.

"I know he got her pregnant, I know you're avoiding him, he told me everything... Jiyong needs you, you're his best friend."

He is right. Jiyong Oppa had always been there for me, what's wrong with me?

"Whatever it is that you're feeling right now, I don't know. But it doesn't change the way you love him or the way you look at him."

A tear roll down my cheek, "Oppa, it's almost 9 years. I want to move on."

; 8.00pm

The door unlock and Jiyong walk in.

I quickly look away from him, "it's been four days... Are you still not talking to me?"

He comes over and sit beside me.

This is the longest time we went without talking.

"Jae Eun ah," he puts his face in front of me.

I stare at him with no emotion in my eyes, "oppa... You're too close." I put my hands on his chest.

"Nervous?" He raise his eyebrows at me and inch a little bit closer.

What is he doing...?

He place his soft lips on mine, and put his hand on my cheek.

He pulls away.

"Are you drunk?"

Before he could even answer, I stood up.

"Jae Eun,"

"Oppa, stop doing this to me!" I shout at him.

"I am not gonna be your side chick. Don't kiss me. Don't cheat on Mi Na, no matter how much I dislike her... Just don't do this to me... And to yourself." I walk into my room and slam the door close.

I grab my phone and called Youngbae.

"Jae Eun ah,"


"What happened?" He sigh.

"Jiyong Oppa... Kissed me." I mutter out and stare at the night sky.

"What?" The city lights became blurry.

I couldn't hear Youngbae's voice.

And then I couldn't feel anything in my body.

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