Chapter 6- Violent Aggression

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WARNING: Implied rape, attempted rape, beatings, swearing.

If this could trigger you read with care

"I can't- they can see me. They're coming over here!" Betty whispered frantically. Chuck was now walking over to where she was stood, on the end of his posse of nine guys. She could recognise some of them from the football team, the same Bulldogs who'd had their names covering the pages of the Play Book. Among them she saw Reggie, which surprised her because Reggie was a good guy deep down, even if he was an arrogant jerk sometimes. But what surprised her the most were the older men in the group. They looked younger than FP but much older than Chuck and the frat boys. A sense of danger radiated off of them.

"Betty, just run!" Jughead's voice screamed through the phone. It was quieter though, because now she had brought the speaker slowly away from her ear as the guys came just metres away from her shaking body.

The oldest guy had lots of muscle, and he was quite handsome with dark hair. He had another guy with blonde hair. about the same age, next to him. They were leading the group. Dark-Hair took his cigarette out of his mouth and chucked it to the floor. Betty watched, rooted to the ground as his shoe trampled it into the cold cement.

"Guess we got ourselves an extra one tonight boys." He laughed to the other guys and they jeered back. "Who are you then, sweetheart?" Betty didn't answer immediately, so Chuck interrupted.

"This is the bitch I was telling you about, Nick." His eyes pierced into hers. They then dropped to her hand to see she was still holding the phone in her trembly hands.

"I'll take this." Nick snatched the device, making the strawberry-scented girl flinch. He smashed it to the ground, crushing it beneath his foot like he had done with the cigarette moments ago, leaving Jughead gone. Slowly he then gave it to his friend of the same age. "Here Al." The blonde guy took it and shoved it into his pocket.

"So you think you can just get your little Southside trash-boys to try attack us?" Al stepped towards Betty, towering over her in an intimidating manner. They all did.

Before she knew it they were all surrounding her. Nods from Nick and Al controlled the younger males like puppets on strings. Jumping out of her petrified state, Betty tried running away. She turned and attempted to break through two frat boys only for them to grab her and push her into the centre of the circle that had been formed.

Betty was forced to face Nick and Al as her captors held her arms prisoner, waiting for there next instruction.

"Behind the school." Nick spoke, "Nobody's there at this time, and it's a bit darker." Realisation crossed Betty's face as she figured out what these guys wanted to do. They dragged her up the path to where she had previously seen them. She tried to fight back and scream but one of them put his dirty hand over her mouth, and they were too strong for her.

When they got to the alley-like area behind the school that she and Jughead had skived that day, Betty was slammed against the hard wall with the same guys holding her to it. Al stood in front of her, lust showering his demeanour. Shaky breaths escaped Betty's mouth. He then began stroking her cheek with his thumb, his hand in her hair.

"Get off me." She cracked at the invasion. Abruptly, he made a contradicting motion and grabbed her jaw tightly. She whimpered at the aggression, the hold tight enough to leave bruises.

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