phil lester

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PHIL WHEN he's looking at Dan the way he used to look at you.


"Y/N, you're being ridiculous. I'm not in love with my best friend." Phil says looking at you as if you're crazy but you can see a hint of fear behind his eyes

"Phil, I see the way you look at him. The way you look at him isn't how best friends are supposed to look at each other. The way you look at him... it's how you used to look at me." You tell him, a tear rolling down your cheek.

Phil gives up and ditches his act and sighs. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't want things to end like this. I never meant to hurt you." He says walking over to hug you but you take a step back.

"But you did hurt me." And with that you walk out of his apartment, tears pouring down your face and a pain in your heart.

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