GIF Imagines about you and some epic people who make videos on YouTube for a living. I hope you guys like this series of GIF imagines.
Here are some of the youtubers that will be featured on here:
• Mark Fischbach (markiplier)
• Sean (jack) McLoughl...
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DAN WHEN you call him on skype, interrupting his nap
You click the call button next to your best friend, Daniel's name on Skype and the blue screen pops up and it begins to ring.
After three rings he answers. The screen changes to your best friend laying in his bed, shirtless.
Daniel yawns and stretches his arms out. He rubs his eyes tiredly and gives you a small smile. "Hey y/n."
You blush and look away from the screen, "oh, crap, I'm sorry did I wake you up?" You ask.
He laughs, "Yeah, but it's fine, and you can look at the screen y/n. It's not like you haven't seen my shirtless before." He tells you, a smirk on his lips.
You laugh and look at the screen, smiling at your best friend. "Catching up on your beauty sleep?" You ask.
He nods, "Of course. A face like this doesn't just look as hot as it does naturally."
"That is true. You are pretty hot." You tell him.
He laughs, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "So, are you." He winks at you.
You roll your eyes. "Stop flirting with me doofus."
"Okay, beautiful. When are you coming back?" Dan asks, a sad look on his face.
You and your family moved away from your home in Manchester three months ago and you now live in a small town in Philadelphia, all the way in the United States. Your mother got a job there so you had to leave.
Before you left, you told Daniel that you love him. And to your surprise, he told you that he felt the same way.
You guys decided that since you were leaving, there was no point in putting a label on yourselves. So you guys are still just best friends, but you are also more than just friends.
You sigh, "I don't know, Danny. It could be a few months, or even a year before I can come home." You tell him.
"Alright. Well, I'll be waiting for you, y/n. I don't care about how long I have to wait, as long as I know that you're waiting for me too, that's all I care about."