I have a younger brother and he is 4 years younger than me. We don't see eye to eye all the time and we fight a lot. Even though i'm older and bigger than him, he still always beat me in the fights. There is a couple of times he has taken the fights way to far.
The first time was with a rake. My brother and I were raking leaves in Fall of 2011 when it happened. We got into a (stupid) fight about leaves and who got to wheel the wheelbarrow over to the burn barrel. So he took a rake and started advacing towards me. Once he was close, he took the rake and starting beating me with it. Me being my 11 year old self fell to the ground and starting crying right away. After several whacks, he finally stopped. Once i regained my posture, i looked at him and i took my fist and punched him in the face. I now know it wasn't the smartest thing to do but ever since then he has not argued with me about leaves.
The second and hopefully last time he took it way to far was with a BB gun. In my state, Robins are illegal to shoot. So my brother being rebellous, tried shooting them one day. I happened to walk outside at that moment and i screamed reallly loud and he missed his shoot. He asked me wht the f*** i screamed and i explained that robins are illgeal to shoot and he needed to stop. He said fine and i actually believed him. Sitting here and looking back on this memory i can't believe i actually believed him. But as soon as i turned around, i got a BB gun pellet in the back of my calf. I still have a scar from it to this day. I know now to never miss with him when he is using a BB gun because it can end very bad and very painful.
Don't Forget to Remember
غير روائيThis a memoir of my life. I am hoping you enjoy it and learn from my mistakes I have made! Enjoy! (The stories are not in any time order)