Chapter 2

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{Chapter 2}

I grabbed all my things and put it in my bag. I put my arm through the arm hole and slid it up to my shoulders. I sighed and headed to the door to leave.

"Ariana, can I see you after school?" Mr. Johnson asked.

I slowly turn around awkwardly. I didn't know what to say or do. So I sighed. I thought about what Justin said earlier.

"M-my family d-does this thing after school.. it's kind of important... it's everyday after school..." I stuttered nervously.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Next class doesn't start until ten minutes. Come here." Mr. Johnson said.

"I-I really need to go." I said as I backed away.

I don't find him attractive at all. All of the girls do. Maybe it's because he's fresh out of college. But he's new this year, so what was Justin talking about when he said former?

"ARIANA!" He yelled, grabbing my arm and shutting the door at the same time.

He did it in a way like he was kidnapping me. I try to yell for help, but he was shutting my mouth. He unbuckles his pants as I start crying. I scream as loud as can.

Mr. Johnson grabbed my face as shushed me. As he did that, the door slammed open there, standing there was the principal and Justin. There's also other students. I was silently crying my eyes out.

"Ariana, are you okay?" The principal ran up to me.

I was literally shaking. I had anxiety and a panic attack. Justin stood there in shock.

Others were handing this and was calling the police.

"Watcha trying to do to my girl?!" Justin spoke up.

The principal escorted Johnson out and everybody came over to help me. I was still-

"Have a good day!" Mr. Johnson says.

I see students leaving. I was probably imagining things. I grabbed my stuff and left.

"Hey." Justin says.

"Leave me alone." I said.

And that's it. He just stops and walk away. I thought he would keep bothering me.

"We're partners. For the project. I wanted to tell you something." Justin says as he comes back.

"We're partners?" I ask.

There was a pause.

"Well, I thought I wasn't the one to pay attention. You're doing all the work." Justin says.

I rolled my eyes and walked away. Someone stops me. I look up.

"Damn, you just talked to Justin." Kaylee smirked.

"Kaylee, you know I don't like him. He's a jerk." I said.

"Whatever floats your boat, see you later." Kaylee smiles.

I walked to my next class. The teacher greets me and I walk over to my seat. I sit down.

Since Justin sits next to me, he's really annoying. Justin's usually on his phone. Every time, he always ask me what we're doing.

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