Part 2. (Longer chapter)

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"Thank you." I thank Eleanor and pick my bag up and walk to the gates.

"Well." Lola sighs in excitement. "Edinburg High."

"Seniors." Eleanor smiles.

"Yay." I comment so I don't feel left out.

As I'm walking into the gates, A group of guys and girls push us and walk in as if we are invisible.

"Hey-" I look back, and those girls start snickering.

"Popular shits." Lola whispers in my ear.

"What did you just say?" A girl from the "popular" group turns to us and asks.

"I said, popular shits." Lola smirks.

The girl makes a face and sticks her middle finger out. And then, HER guy comes up to her and takes her with him.

"I wouldn't say that out load if I was you." I whisper to Lola.

"Come on, Hope. Don't be too scared of everything." Lola scolds me.

I shrug and walk to my first class, English, and that was with Eleanor and her crush, Austin Parker. He was in the soccer team and blah blah. He was hot though, he had nice hair and eyes, yeah. To be honest, I used to have a teenie bit of crush at Caleb Murray. He looks so innocent and hot at the same time. But ofcourse I never told anyone about it.

As I walk into the class, it is filled with giggles and yells. Giggles from girls and loud noises from guys, if you didnt guess.

I smile when I see Caleb walk in. All the girls fill the room with oohs and aahs. He smirks and winks at all of the girls, and they literally were swooning over him. I sat on my chair and it was beside Austin Parker and Caleb walk past me, his hand touched my shoulder while walking and sat behind me. I feel butterflies inside my stomach and then I feel shoes touch my hair.

I look back and they were Caleb's. The look on Caleb's face was emotionless. And when I looked back, he grinned like a child.

"Excuse me?" I cough, choking on nothing.

"Oh, sorry." He smiles cheekily and puts his feet down. He is so cute. Wait did I just say he was hot? Okay what the hell. To be honest it was hard to not notice him so I turn to my seat.

"Class." Mr.Joe wakes me up from my thoughts. "Please take out your books and open page 56"

The class groans and I excitedly open the book, I love english, okay?

"Mrs.Anderson, would you like to show your assignment?" Mr.Joe smiles at me.

"Yes,sir." I smile back and stand up to read out my assignment.

When I'm done, some of the kids clap and some of them are sleeping. Caleb is awake, fortunately and claps along with the others. I smile proudly and walk back to my seat.

"Such a dedicated student." Mr.Joe says and pats my back.

"You were amazing out there." Austin smiles.

"Thank you." I thank. Eleanor eyes me from her seat which was on my right.

"Your hairs were nice." Caleb pats my shoulder and says, or compliments.

"You were noticing my hairs and not my speech? Real classy." I say, sarcasm flooding in my words.

"Your funny." Caleb smiles and looks away.

Thanks, I say inside. He's so cute. I wish I was- shit. Hope, stop thinking about him. Your not interested in him. Come on.

After a while of passing notes with Eleanor, the class ended. I walk outside with Eleanor and she kept asking me if Austin asked anything about her, and I kept denying it but she was not shutting up, then she asked why did I not talk to him about her. She is so confusing and it's making me frustrated.

"Hey, Hope. Wait." Austin runs up to me and stops me.

"Yeah?" I ask casually.

I felt Eleanor squeezing my hand harder and harder, it was like a python that was squeezing me to death.

"I was wondering if we bo-" he stops when he notices Eleanor, "if you both could come with me to the movies? We jocks are going there so we thought of inviting some chicks too."

"Umm-" I remember we had some assignments."I don't think we coul-"

"Ofcourse, sure." Eleanor squeezes my hand harder and smiles.

"Cool. You can invite a girl too. Here's my number." He gives me his number,winks and walks away.


Hand is tired so yeah, byeee

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