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Toby's POV -

"Spence!! Are you ready to go? The car is here." I yelled while packing up the last few things before we left.

"Yeah almost babe! Two minutes!", she yelled back.

Spencer came down the stairs with one large suitcase, a tote, and a backpack.  Plus, her favorite blanket that she took everywhere.  Toby looked up and just laughed.

"Need some help there?", he chuckled.

"No, I'm perfectly fine...", Spencer she said as she struggled to get down the stairs.  Toby couldn't help but to run over to her and help her out.

Spencer gave him the 'thank you but no thank you' look, but he completely ignored her and took the bags anyway.

They headed out to the car, loaded their bags in, and were off to the airport.

"Soooo... are you excited to see Emily and Alison and the kids?", I asked.

"Ugg, yes!  I'm getting a break from work AND getting to spend the time with my absolute favorite people ever.", she said back, smiling.

"Well, I'm glad.", I said back smiling.

Next thing they knew, they were getting off a plane at LAX and were headed to see their life long friends.  When they got to the house, Spencer was very hesitant.  She hadn't seen Em or Ali in years and the last time they saw each other was not long after they found out she had an evil twin torturing them, I guess she just didn't know what they'd think when they saw her.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay.", I reassured her.

"I know it will be, but I don't want them to look at me and be haunted by the memories of Alex...", she said looking down.

"Spencer, they know you. You are their friends, Alex was never. It's gonna be okay, I promise.", I said back to her as she started to get out of the car.

Spencer's POV -

We walked up to the door of Emily and Alison's home and I was so nervous.  Why? I'm not quite sure....

The door opened and the first thing I saw was Emily's radiant smile, happier than ever to see us.

"Spencer, oh my god!  How are you?", Em said, pulling me into a huge hug.  All of a sudden, I felt at home again.

"I'm great Em, how are you?", I asked back.

"Oh well you know, two toddlers isn't the easiest thing to deal with but it's all worth it...", she said laughing.  

She turned to Toby and gave him a huge hug as I looked around the inside of their beautiful house.

"Hey, you guys come in. Ali is feeding the kids right now.  I'm gonna go grab something, but the kitchen is all the way down and to your right.", she said gesturing us inside.

I walked down and turned into the kitchen to see Ali covered in the food that Lilly threw at her and the girls laughing.  

"Oh... Hi guys!", she said as enthusiastically as she could while being covered in food.

"Hey Ali, you doing okay?", Toby chuckled.  I hit him right in the stomach and he immediately stopped laughing.

"Yeah, I'm all good.", she said smiling back as she cleaned off her shirt. "So! How have you been?", she said walking over to give both of us a big hug.

"We've been good...", Toby and I said in complete unison, smiling.  Alison just laughed.

"Wooowww, you two really were meant to be together...." 

I ignored everything that just happened and walked over to the girls, "How have these sweet babies been lately?", I said grabbing Grace's cheeks.

"Oh wow, they are such a mess. Who knew having toddlers could be so hard.  I never sleep, eat, pee, or do anything by myself.  Oh, and not to mention that me and Emily have almost no sex life.  Otherwise, they've been just great.", she said sarcastically. "I will say though, there is nothing better in my life than these two miracles and Emily."

Me and Toby both smiled and Emily came back into the room.

"So, I see that all of you caught up!  You wanna grab a drink and talk in the main room?", Emily asked grabbing multiple bottles of wine to show us. "We can put the kids to bed.", she said again, smirking.

Emily's POV - 

We made our way into the living room and started a conversation that would end up lasting for hours on end.  Not only that, but we drank, A LOT.

One thing that I couldn't help but noticed (whether I was drunk or not) was how in love Spencer and Toby were.  I mean, I know what true love is and I have never seen anything like this before, not even with them.  

"Soo, when are you two getting hitched?", I asked groggily.

"He hasn't asked!", Spencer shouted, pointing at Toby.

"Well, just cause I haven't asked doesn't mean I don't want it to happen...", Toby said sleepily. "I have to wait till the right moment to do it.  I can't just ask you to marry me and like make it all rushed and you get mad and-"

"Ok we get it Toby...", Spencer said as she cut him off.  She looked at her watch and realized it was nearly two in the morning so they decided to call an uber and go back to their hotel for the night.

We watched as they left and very quickly went to bed ourselves.  Being drunk as parents isn't always the brightest idea...

Toby's POV -

We stumbled through the hotel lobby and past the concierge, into the elevator and into our room.  It was nearly three in the morning now and right when we walked into the room Spencer plopped down face first on the bed and let out a big sigh.

"I don't think I've been this drunk in yearrrsss...", she said, her voice muffled because she was talking into the bed.

I changed into my underwear for bed and walked into the bathroom, "Yeah, me neither.  But I feel great!" 

As I finished washing my face, Spencer came up behind me, hugged me and asked, "Was that true? What you said about marrying me?"

I turned around, "Of course it was.  I love you so much and I don't want to marry anyone else but you, but I want the moment to be perfect for us... Okay?"

"Okay... but that doesn't mean we can't do other fun things while we wait right?", she said as she turned around. "Unzip my dress for me, would you?"

"Are you really gonna do this to me right now?", I asked.

"Oh yes... Just unzip the dress.", she said.

And that I did.

She turned to me and pulled me closer.

"Just making sure that we can still do stuff like this..." she whispered into my ear and then kissed me.

She slowly slid her dress off and I picked her up and turned her to put her on the bathroom counter.  She moved her lips from mine and began to kiss my neck.  She kicked her shoes off and wrapped her legs around me and at this point I couldn't take it anymore, so I picked her up and dropped her on the bed.  I followed her down, ending up on top of her.  

Breathing heavily she said, "You know Toby... as long as we can do this, we never have to get married if you don't want to..."

"But I hear it's sooo much better when your married.", I said back after kissing her stomach. "Let's just focus on what we are doing right now..." 

"Mmmmm, okay.", she said flipping me over on my back and straddling me.

After only seconds, the rest of the clothes that were on our bodies were removed and I can't even remember the rest....

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