30. Mission: Girlfriend

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                “You cheater! I can’t believe you!” I shouted at Zayn, eyes wide and mind in shock.

                My boyfriend looked over at me with a puppy-dog face, trying to make me forgive him, but he had amusement dancing in his eyes. How could he? The TV sounds continued to ring out, making sense of the game we had just played, calling out and end to the reigning champion.

                “Winner! Winner!” Zayn’s side of the screen called, while mine played the sad, ‘you-lose’ type of music and said glumly, “Loser!”

                I turned to Zayn, eyes narrowed. “You cheated.”

                He chuckled, “Distracting you with a kiss while I shot you isn’t cheating, love, it’s called a good strategy.”

                Liam shook his head. “It’s cheating.”

                I huffed at my boyfriend, crossing my arms over my chest. We had just been playing Call of Duty 2 and Liam and I were on a team – a team which had been in the lead, winning each game. Zayn high fived Harry – his team mate – who had the idea to kiss me and distract me from the game… which ended in a kill shot straight to my players head.

                And now Liam and I had lost. I put my controller down on the coffee table and stood up, shuffling towards the kitchen, where Louis was on the phone with Eleanor. By the looks of it, they were having a fight. He glanced at me before sending me a weak smile, but I could hear his girlfriend yelling from the other side of the phone – Louis even winced before backing out of the room.

                “Hey,” Jamie greeted, walking out of her room while running her fingers through her wet hair. “Are all the guys here?”

                I nodded, taking a glass out of the cabinet. “Yeah – hey, where were you yesterday?”

                She sat on the counter, looking at me. “I was walking around, exploring after hanging out with Niall. Why?”

                “Because you didn’t get in until two in the morning,” I said accusingly, narrowing my eyes at my best friend as she chewed her bottom lip. Raising a brow, I inquired, “Do you have something to tell me?”

                “I –”

                “Hey gorgeous,” Niall said, walking into the kitchen and giving Jamie a kiss.

                She returned the smile weakly, but Niall didn’t notice – he was too busy pushing past me, who was pouring OJ into a cup for myself, to get to the refrigerator. Instead of rolling my eyes at his actions, I darted my gaze up to Jamie, who seemed to be slightly lost. My brow furrowed but I didn’t say anything – clearly, she didn’t want Niall hearing it.

                “Will someone  make me a sandwich?” Niall questioned, poking his head out of the refrigerator and glancing at me with big eyes. “Please?”

                I sighed, knowing it would be me. “Yeah, whatever. It’ll be done in five minutes.”

                Niall brightened up, squeezing me in a hug. “Thanks, Rose!”

                With that, he walked over to his girlfriend, took her hand, and brought her back to the family room. I sighed, getting to work on Niall’s sandwich, which only took a few minutes to make and put chips on the side of the plate. When I was done, I walked out of the kitchen and brought the food to my Irish friend, watching his face light up as he chirped a thank you.

Following In Your Direction [One Direction: Zayn Malik Romance]Where stories live. Discover now