33. New Friends

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*6 Months Later*


                The bed shifted underneath my body, making me groan in disapproval. My eyes fluttered just momentarily before I shut them again, feeling lips kiss my forehead before the door shut just a moment afterward. I lay there for a few more minutes before rolling over onto my back, opening my eyes and letting out a sigh – I couldn’t fall back asleep, for Zayn had left.

                Pushing myself out of my bed, my hand grazed over a note on the pillow he had slept on beside me last night. Picking it up, I saw his scribbled handwriting that read: went out to meet with the lads, talk to you later(: xx. I couldn’t help but smile at it and climb out of bed, stumbling out of my bedroom and into the apartment, where Jamie was sitting at the counter.

                “Morning,” I mumbled as she glanced at me with a smirk.

                “You look like you didn’t get much sleep last night…” Jamie said, pretending to think about it as she tapped her chin with her finger. “Hm, wonder why.”

                I blushed lightly. “Shut up.”

                “I had to go to Niall’s at midnight; I’m entitled to teasing around.”

                Biting my lip, I just ignored my best friend as she hinted at what Zayn and I had done last night. So what?  I knew for a fact that her and Niall have some fun while I’m still at the house, so I was allowed to do the same with my boyfriend. Peering into the refrigerator, I looked around for breakfast, but ended up settling on some bread that I made into buttered toast.

                Sitting on top of the counter, I looked at Jamie, who was smiling at her lap top screen. “What’s got you all smiley, weirdo?”

                She showed me the computer screen. “He’s so sweet!”

                I looked at the screen, my eyes assessing the twitpic Niall had uploaded of him hugging Jamie, making the caption “she’s so beautiful (: xx”. Already hundreds had commented only nice things, supporting their relationship. I smiled at the picture and Jamie turned her laptop back to face her, typing away with that silly smile on her lips.

                “Do I act like that?” I questioned amusedly, wondering if I had actually ever been that happy-go-lucky just because of a member of One Direction.

                “All the time,” Jamie said nonchalantly.

                My eyes widened, “Really?”

                “Ask Alex if you don’t believe me,” Jamie said, now being the one who’s amused. “Or even ask Zack, if you want a straight answer. Alex lies….a lot.”

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