Sworn to Secrecy

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Jake's dreams held him in a tight lock all night long, and it wasn't anything pleasant, in the slightest. Anybody in the band knows that Jake and Ashley were former lovers, but vowed to never bring it up around the other guys again in agreement that it would do nothing but bring about grief and awkward tension, and thus they vowed to only discuss it together if needed or wanted, in private. If there was anybody in the band who knew the least about the former lovers' relationship, it was Andy, simply because he was always too caught up with Juliet, at the time of which they were still dating each other.

It didn't take long before Jake had risen from the bed he was sharing with CC and Jinxx that night to travel his way down the hallway and knock lightly on Andy and Ashley's bedroom door, where Ashley stirred around a bit and soon came to the door in nothing but a pair of boxer briefs. Upon seeing that it was Jake, and that it was also about midnight, he threw on some boxer shorts and a t-shirt, letting Jake in without a second thought. What Jake said brought a bit of confusion to Ashley's face, “Wake Andy up, Ash, there's something I wanted to talk about with him, but with you here too..”.. and he complied.

Ashley made his way to Andy's side, gently shaking him to wake him from his deep slumber. When he began to awaken, he grumbled lightly and closed his eyes tighter, rolling over and mumbling. “Ash, lvvmealonnne... I'mm trynnna sleep..”, to which Ashley only shook him again and spoke to him. “Andy, Jake's in here, he wanted to talk to you about something..”. Andy finally rolled over to lay on his back and yawned, sitting up and nodding after giving up on trying to fall back asleep, knowing it was useless with the two men in there watching him and waiting for him. “Hey Jake.. What is it..” he muttered, obviously still trying to rouse his brain from the deep slumber he was just in.

Jake sighed and looked at Ashley before moving to lock the door to ensure their privacy, and it led Ashley to sigh as well, as if he figured what Jake was going to bring up, but he didn't make any assumptions and let Jake speak for himself. When he finally sat back down in front of the couple, the words that came out of his mouth confirmed Ashley's thoughts immediately. “I wanted to confirm some things about what happened between Ashley and I.. from when he and I used to be a couple, Andy.. I know you both are in love, and I don't want there to be any secrets about it.. I just have to ask that whatever is spoken in this room stays in this room, and between us.. If there's ever a question you want to ask about it.. say it here in this room. I don't want there to be anything said that might rouse the others' emotions..” he explained, Andy nodding in an understanding manner. “Of course, Jake, you don't have to worry about me.” he reassured, Jake nodding his head as he began to explain everything from start to finish..

~(This is a new form of writing I'm using here, where instead of me showing Jake explaining things in present time, I'll be using a past-tense, flash-back sort of way of doing so instead.)~

Jake was only 19, mentally about 16 at the time, and Ashley was only a mere 17 years old, mentally almost 20, and the two were head over heels in love with each other. Nothing could tear them apart, and they were complete goo-goo eyes at each other when they were in the room together. It was the exact definition of puppy love – sweet, innocent, puppy love. It was the same as any other rainy day – cold, lonely, and gloomy, and the two were stuck at Ashley's home together as the pouring rain wouldn't have made it any easy feat to drive, so in his home they stayed, and rightfully so to ensure their safety. With every day that passed, their love grew but in ways most relationships would probably be hindered by – rape. Who was raping who, nobody really could ever figure it out, but it was always something that was upsetting Jake to tears every time he saw Jinxx, who was now 20, and CC, who was 18.

It was this particular night that seemed to turn everything else upside down in the hour that it all happened, and it didn't seem to matter how much they loved each other – it ruined everything in the hour of which it happened. Ashley was curled up with Jake on his bed, his arms wrapped around the elder's body in a way that gave off a sense of false love and protector-ship. It was very unsettling often times, as Jake would comment on it and make Ashley smile it off as if there was nothing wrong about how he held him, how he loved him..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2014 ⏰

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