Too Late For Never

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~+~The nurses had finally found it in their best interests that the boys could all go and see Jake. Only a few at a time though, and with that Andy and Jinxx were led through the long hallways to a room numbered 217. The nurse explained that he would be awake any time now, but making the young man talk would be nearly impossible for a week or so. Andy knew of the reason why, he had seen the sight himself. It pained him that Jinxx was about to find this out, as he only gave the nurse a confused expression when she started explaining things. Andy looked towards the room in despair, biting on his lip quite harshly before feeling his feet walk towards the door, the nurses voice fading out into the background of his mind. He lay his hand on the knob, turning it and pulling the door open slowly, horrified by the state his brother was in. Jake was hooked up to all sorts of different machines, tubes attached to his arms and face, making it look as if a human wasn't in that bed. Jake's skin was very pale, almost what Andy's looked like, but with a sickish yellow tinge to it that made Andy cringe. His eyes looked like they were smudged over with eyeliner and the occasional 'beep' in the room only made the atmosphere worse. Jinxx finally looked at the shaking figure of Andy, before pushing his way beside him and finally looking at his brother with a pained expression. "Who would do such a thing..." Jinxx whispered aloud, before feeling the fast movement of someone running out of the room beside him. He turned his head, only to see Andy gone and loud sobbing fade down the hallway.

~Ashley heard Andy starting to cry and sob down the hall, and he got up and ran down the hallway to him, holding him and rubbing his head protectively, closing his eyes as CC walked in when the two came back and Ashley told him that Andy couldn't handle the sight he saw while even he didn't know what Andy saw in there.. Ashley had been so preoccupied with calming the neighbors that he hadn't once noticed Jake's body during that day. CC walked into the room timidly to see Jinxx hold Jake's hand with tears rolling down his cheeks constantly as he stared at Jake's body, his own body and hand shaking violently. CC grabbed him tightly and held him close, closing his eyes as he didn't know what to say to Jinxx, even being one of the more "big brotherly" figures of the family.. seeing Jake like this and a hysterically crying Jinxx left him speechless beyond depth of measure..

~+~CC didn't bare to look towards his brother, he was scared for him but he needed to be strong for Jinxx, even if he had to put all other emotions aside. He gently pulled Jinxx into the chair, on top of CC's lap, holding him close and running his fingers through the man's longish hair, seemingly calming him down. Soon the loud sobs started to die down into little hiccups and gasps. CC smiled, turning Jinxx's face towards his own. "Everything will be just fine Jinxxy, Jake's a fighter...always has been. He'll get through this, hell, we'll get through it too. Together." he silently grasped Jinxx's hand lightly as he spoke his final words, earning a light smile from Jinxx as he pressed himself into CC's body.

~Jinxx closed his eyes and kept himself from looking in Jake's direction, knowing he'd end up crying again if he looked back, but he had to.. he heard Jake's breathing turn raspy half-chokes of breath as he tried to speak but was unable to, his eyes opening up as he tried to open his mouth and speak, his body trembling as Jinxx suddenly stood up on his feet and turned to face him, staring into his eyes as CC tried not to look, keeping his eyes closed so he could stay strong for Jinxx.. that's what he wanted to do for him so he wouldn't start crying and be unable to protect him emotionally.. and thus he just refused to look. "Jake? Jake, it's me, Jinxx.. Are you okay?" he whispered, reaching down and kissing Jake's forehead in a brotherly way while brushing his hair out of his face, plastering that gentle smile to his face as Jake again tried to speak and unable to do so, only made raspy breaths while trying, making Jinxx's eyes well up with tears.. but he kept that smile on his face even as the tears began to fall from his eyes, wanting Jake to think everything was.. okay.

~+~Jake's mind was fuzzy, he didn't know where he was or what the hell was going on. His face felt like it was burning up the sides of his mouth and all along his arms and legs ached with a dull burning pain from hell. His vision was blurry, he would see Jinxx maybe, but as he tried to speak he felt something covering his mouth and stopped dead still. He wanted to know what was going on, why he felt water dripping onto his arm and why he couldn't speak. He twinged his mouth a certain way and felt a fiery burn run across the side, making him stop moving his mouth at all. What was wrong with him? Why can't he speak without pain? Jake blinked a few times, clearing his vision and his thoughts when he saw his brother Jinxx silently crying by his side, a gentle smile across his face.

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