~The Ball~ Chaper 1

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"My lady." Lawl my butler comes in to my library to greet me. I close my eyes and book. I narrow my eyes at him with no expression. "Yes?" "You have been invited to a Ball by Ciel Earl Phantomhive." He speaks adjusting his classes. You look up "Is that so?" You say unamused. "And when is this party Lawl?" "Tomorrow evening My lady.."
I widens my eyes a bit "Tomorrow? What wasn't I informed about this sooner?" He sighs. "I'm afraid we have not checked the mail in awhile.." I focus my attention back on my book. "Very well. You are dismissed." He bows and leaves. "So the Earl?" I say smirking.. "interesting.."

~That night~

As I carry my book around wandering around the halls of my mansion I grow hungry.. growwwwlllll. My stomach goes. I put my hand over my stomach and smile. "I'm in the mood for fresh food not cold.." and with that I walk off into town looking for the right blood to suck.

As I'm strolling through town smelling everyone's blood. One peeks my interest. The smell is so sweet yet inviting. I follow it and it soon leads me too a boy my age. And a tall butler? I smell him. Demon... i smell again..Sebastian. I say in disgust. Then I take my focus back to the scent. It's coming from the boy, defiantly.

I inhale in one more time. "I have no chance with that idiot demon around him.." I say blankly to myself.

I then see the sebastion turn to me and smile. I look at him emotionlessly. "May I help you young miss?" He says with a smile. I simply shake my head side to side. "No sir" I say plainly.
The young boy soon then turns to me and cocks an eyebrow. Brat.
"Sebastian. Who might this be?" He eyes me. I look at him with no expression. "I don't know myself young master." He looks at me and smirks. "What might your name be young lady?" I glare at him. "No one important at the moment.." I look at the young boy. "But something tells me we will meet again." I simply say then bow and take off.

I put my hand over my head and sigh. "Looks like I'll have to find another human to feast on." I then see a women with brown hair walk past me into an alleyway. Bullseye.

~The next morning~

I wake up in my comfy bed greeted by opening curtains. I hiss. "Lawl..." I say growling. "Close them now.. I don't have my ring on yet.." he closes them and shivers at my scary voice. I am greeted by darkness again. "Thank you.." I say sighing. "Apologies my lady but today is the day of the ball at the Earls.." I set up and run my head. "Is that so?" He nods. "Leave me" I say shooing him away "As you wish my lady.."

~Time skips to evening~

About an hour till the Ball starts and I get ready for this evening. But my head starts hurting. What the hell? That girl from last nights blood was so horrible yet sweet. She had to of had poison in her.. I say to myself. I rub my temples and sigh hard.
I walk to my closet and immediately try to hold myself up. What the hell is wrong with me?!? I keep saying to myself.

I pick up a (f/c) dress that had cut shoulders with big sleeves and a long veil cape that came from my lower back behind my poofy dress.

I put it on and add a bit of makeup.

Then I slip on my (f/c) ring to protect me from any sunlight. (Hehe vampire diaries)

I'm ready.

I look at the clock. 5 o'clock. Just in time.

I walk outside where my carriage awaits me. My butler Lawl takes my hand and helps me inside. I sit down and pulled out my book to start reading.

About 10 minutes later my carriages stops and I close my book then my eyes. A tall man opens the door for me and I stare at him unamused. Then I realized he's the man from last night. Demon. We've already met about 100 years ago.. he acts like he doesn't know me.

He helps me out then bows. "You must be lady (Y/n) (L/n). Your family is the owner of the blood banks, right?" I stare at him with no emotion and shake my head yes. "I apologize for not recognizing you from last night." He bows again. "I am truly sorry." "That's alright..Sebastian."  He chuckles. "My,My (y/n), you sure have grown into a beautiful young lady." I eye him. He leans down into my ear and whispers "Stay away from young master.. His soul and body belongs to me.." (A/N-CIEL AND SEBBY MOMENT?!? YW!!)
I look at him with my normal bored expression. "I have no intention of such thing." I then walk off into the manor.

Many people have been coming up to me complimenting my looks and sees etc.. I just yawn bored. Then that same sweet scent comes near me again. I sigh "Hello..Ciel..~" I turn to face him. "How did you know it was me?" I shrug "Lucky guess.." he looks at me suspiciously "I've never met someone who could tell who I was from not even looking at me.. unless someone like Sebastian." Tch. I lean down and whisper in his ear. My cold breath on his warm skin makes him shiver. "Don't compare me to that filthy demon you call a butler.. I'm far more superior then he." Ciel looks at me in surprise.

"H-how did you-?" I cut him off by putting a hand up and closing my eyes. "No need to worry my lovely short Earl." He gasp and looks at me annoyed. I smirk. He has no words. "Cat got your tongue?" I then turn to walk away from him but turn back. "Oh and Ciel.. That eyepatch you use to cover up.. Is very attractive." I wink and continue to walk away. Ciel then blushed hard. What the hell?! He thought to himself.

Ciel's POV

I watch as (Y/n) walks away from me. My face red as a tomato. But.. how did she.. how did she know all that?? I question. "S-Sebastian!" I call out and he appears in front of me. "Yes my lord?" "What do you know about (y/n) (l/n)?" He looks at me in surprise and smirks. "Has the Earl taken an interest in Lady (Y/n)?" I nod and look her way to see her talking to some people with no expression.

~After the party~

"Sebastian?" He hums in response getting out my night shirt. "What is Lady (Y/n)?" He chuckles and looks at me. "I'm afraid that's personal My lord and she'll have to tell you herself." I sigh irritated. "Well then what do you know about her?" He puts his finger on his chin thinking. "Well I know she is very old..She is the heir of The blood bank company. After he parents passed away in a fire a very long time ago she took over the company and has become very responsible over it the passed years. She is 14 years old if I do say correctly. So your age Young master." He says finishing putting me in my night shirt. I lay down. "Is that right?" I say. "Yes My lord. now goodnight."
"Sebastian! I want you to invite Lady (y/n) to my manor so I can talk to her about some business." He smirks "As you wish my lord." And the he closes my door and turns off the lights.

My last thoughts are. "(Y/n).. who are you? What are you?" Before falling asleep.

Your POV

As we reach home I immediately go to my room and shut the doors. I'm exhausted so I don't even feeling like drinking blood at the moment. I held my head in my right head and sigh. I close my eyes "My damn head is killing me!" I hear a chuckle and I race over to the figure lighting speed and pin him/her against the wall with my hand around their neck glaring at the with a bored expression. "My my you have gotten stronger too!" I sigh annoyed. I release him And rub my temples. "What.do you want.demon.?" He sighs
"Are you still hung up on that? It happens over 100 years ago. It was an accident!" I eye him "accident my ass!" He stands up straight and fixes himself.
"My Master had requested to see you again soon to discuss 'business' with you." He bows deeply. "You mean Ciel?" I eye him and he nods.

I sigh and sit down on my bed. "Is he curious about me I suppose? Seems like he was interested.." I smirk a bit. "It seems he is Young Mistress.." I stare at the ceiling. "Very well. I shall visit tomorrow." He nods "I shall tell the young master." And with that he leaves out my balcony window. "Ciel interested in me?" I smile to myself. "This is going to be one hell of a ride."

I take off my ring and slip into my night gown that comes up to my thighs and fall into a deep slumber. My last thoughts 'oh Ciel.. you don't want to know who I am.. nor what I am..'

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