We'll Show Them All How Much We Mean

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Alex POV

            “Lexy, wake up,” I heard, and felt someone kiss my head. I smiled when I realized Jack was standing above me.

            “How long have you been here?” I asked.

            “Just got back,” Jack said. “Jackie told me to wake you up. Funny name, huh? Jack, Jackie. It’s like I’m the nurse.”

            He blushed, and stopped talking. I laughed, “Hm, sexy nurse,” I teased. “That’s always been a fantasy.”

            Jack turned bright red, but quickly composed himself and returned to his cocky smirk. “I bet,” he mumbled.

            “So what did you do for three hours?” I asked.

            “Went home, ate, talked to Zack, Rian, and Cass. They’re all really worried about you, even Rian,” Jack said. “They said they’d stop by soon. Cass wanted to go right now, but Zack said something about having a weight training session. I swear to fucking god, that boy is going to become the Hulk someday. But after that, they should be here.”

            I was happy to hear that Jack’s friends had accepted me even after what I had done to Jack. It meant a lot. Maybe I wasn’t a loser who annoyed everyone around me. I actually felt like I had friends for once in my life. And the fact that they were going to visit me in the hospital was even better. My own fucking parents couldn’t be bothered to visit me anymore, but they could.

            I noticed Jack turn around and squat to open something on the floor. A guitar case. “You didn’t tell me that you brought that with you,” I exclaimed, wide eyed. I eagerly (and painfully) sat up.

            “You didn’t ask,” Jack said simply. He continued taking out his guitar, and sat on the chair next to my bed. He softly strummed the guitar to make sure it was in tune, and looked up at me.

            “I can’t sing for shit,” he said. “I’m not that great at guitar either, but I figured that it might cheer you up.”

            “Damn right it will,” I said excitedly.

            Jack smiled earnestly, and turned his attention to the guitar. He started to play, and I was thrilled to know the song he was playing. Jack was softly humming as he played, and I started to sing along.

            “So here I am, I’m trying. So here I am, are you ready,” I sang. Jack looked up at me, and smiled. He nodded in encouragement, and kept playing.

Come on let me hold you, touch you, feel you always.

Kiss you, taste you, all night always.

I soon got lost in the song. Maybe not the happiest song, but I thought it described us perfectly. We weren’t perfect, and we didn’t pretend to be. We’ve had out fights, and our troubles, and our hardships, but we always make it work.

Jack hit the last note, and I stopped singing. We looked up at each other, grinning. “I can’t get over your voice,” Jack said. “It’s amazing.”

“Thanks,” I said, kind of embarrassed. “But I have no idea what the hell you were talking about when you said you weren’t that good at guitar. You’re the best guitar player I’ve ever heard.”

It was Jack’s turn to blush. “Thanks,” he mumbled.

“Can you play another song?” I asked, trying to look as innocent as possible and give Jack my best puppy dog eyes.

Jack laughed, and leaned over to kiss me on the forehead. He started another song.

            An hour later, Jack’s mom walked in to find us laughing, and singing If We Were A Movie by Hannah Montana. Somehow, Jack knew the whole guitar part. I didn’t ask, just like Jack didn’t ask how I knew all the words by memory.

            “Well it seems like you boys are having fun,” she said. We both jumped at her voice, and I saw Jack turn bright red. I guess I was the same color because I noticed Jack start to laugh and point to my face. I scowled, and turned to his mom.

            “Hi, Mrs. Barakat,” I said politely. Even though I was living at their house, I still felt uncomfortable calling her by her first name.

            “Oh, please, Alex,” she scoffed. “It’s Joyce. And I came in to tell you that the doctors said they want you to spend the night in the hospital, but tomorrow you can come home. And I see that you discovered Jack’s secret love for Hannah Montana.”

            I laughed, and raised an eyebrow at Jack, who blushed  even deeper red, and started shaking his head. “Oh, don’t deny it, Jack,” Joyce said, “If Alex knows all the lyrics, it seems like he has the same problem.”

            I felt my face burn, and saw Jack starting to laugh.

            “You can stay here, Jack,” Joyce continued. “I’m going to pick up dinner. Want anything?”

            “Sure,” Jack said. “Anything.”

            “Okay,” Joyce responded, kissing Jack on the top of his head, to which Jack scowled. “Alex?”

            “I’m good with anything,” I said. “Thank you.”

            “My pleasure, sweetie,” Joyce said. “Be back soon.”

            Joyce exited the room, and Jack looked at me with a devilish grin. “So,” he said. “Know the words to Best of Both Worlds?”

            I laughed, “Hell yah!”

Hey guys. 4,000 reads! I'm so grateful to all of you. Keep commenting and voting! It makes my day! I can't wait until I see All Time Low in concert, so if you're going to the Anaheim show tell me! Anyway, title creds go to Demolition Lovers by My Chemical Romance. Love, Anna

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