Chapter 3

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   A week after the King and Queen had decided to hold the trials for a try at the prince's hand, a wonderful portrait was painted. It depicted Prince Aaron beautifully, but still honestly and with only his true beauty.

   His glowing golden hair that reached just under his chin and framed his fair skinned face. The crystal blue eyes that shone even in the dullest light. They were all captured in the magnificent painting.

   Yet there was still something missing. It wasn't any mistake by the painter, they had more than done their job. It was Prince Aaron's expression. While he was smiling, anyone who looked at it close enough could see the sadness and loneliness hidden underneath the surface.


  Prince Aaron sighed as he looked through the parchments in front of him in boredom. For a good three hours he had been stuck looking through the profiles that had been done on each of the challengers in his mother's test.

   It had been only one week since the challenge had been announced, along with the portrait and Aaron's sexuality. To Aaron's surprise the kingdom completely accepted the fact their one and only prince was gay and on top of that, how so many suitors rose to the occasion to try their hand at the Queen's test.

   But so far Aaron had found no one of interest and was bored to tears from having to read such uninteresting matter.

    Except for one. One person out of the hundreds of contestants had stood out to him.

   Isaiah Wynters.

   Even the name sounded elegant to Aaron. He could practically imagine himself under the control of such a grand man.

   Aaron Wynters... He thought dreamily. Aaron sighed as he leaned back in his chair, glancing around his bedroom to take a break from the parchments.


     Later that night Aaron sat alone in the grand parlor of the castle, watching the fire crackle in the hearth as a brutal storm raged outside. Lost in his daydreams of Isaiah, Aaron jumped and was snapped back to reality when he heard a series of loud knocks on the castle doors.

    Since he was the only one close enough to have heard he knocking, as the staff were all at dinner, Aaron went to the door himself. Preparing himself for the certain wind, he wrapped his jacket tightly around himself and opened the doors.

     When he looked up, Aaron's breath was taken away by the beautiful man that was standing in the rain in front of him. Aaron realized he had been gawking at the man and, embarrassed, stuttered out a greeting.

"H-hello... W-who are y-you? Do you w-want to c-come in?"

    Mentally cursing at himself for sounding so weak, Aaron stood back and motioned for the strange man to enter. Closing the door behind the man, Aaron inhaled deeply and turned shyly back to the stranger.

     "M-my name i-is A-Aaron L-lakeson."

"And I am Casper Zhang." The man's voice was deep and rich, making Aaron's skin tingle. Between Casper's smooth voice, golden skin, raven black hair, and piercing black eyes, Aaron almost fainted.

     After looking around awkwardly for a minute, Aaron motioned for Casper to follow him back in the parlor. There he had Casper sit while he went to fetch a towel and draw a hot bath in Aaron's own bathing chambers.

    "Um, I've d-drawn up a-a bath, if y-you want to clean u-up." Aaron said timidly to Casper as he handed him a towel to dry his hair and face.

     "Why thank you, you have my gratitude, Aaron Lakeson." Aaron nearly burst from hearing the man's words. This was going to be quite interesting Aaron thought as all thoughts of Isaiah Wynters flew out of his head.

    Casper Zhang. This tall, elegant man who was now in his bedchambers. And who was taking off his garments.

    When he realized what Casper was doing, Aaron turned quite red and covered his face with his hands in embarrassment. He couldn't believe he had almost seen Casper naked!

     Hearing a low chuckle, Aaron dropped his hands but kept his eyes shut and pouted in protest at the man's amusement.

"There's no need to be embarrassed, Lakeson. I don't mind you seeing me, and you need to lead me to that bath of yours anyways."

      Blushing profusely, Aaron opened his eyes and walked past the now naked Casper, avoiding looking directly at the man. As he walked into the bathing chambers, he realized he knew almost nothing about this stranger other than his name. The man could be an assassin sent to kill him or some criminal that would kidnap him!

     Turning around sharply, Aaron opened his mouth to accuse Casper, but when he looked he realized Casper wasn't there. The strange man he knew nothing about had disappeared. And that was when the panic set in.

Yeah... Sorry for such the long time between updates ;-; I just get caught up on all sorts of other stuff and can't find time to ever actually finish writing a section... As usual, thank you for reading and excuse any grammar mistakes. :)

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