Chapter 5

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   Oh! How could I let this happen! I let a strange man into the castle, into my rooms! Mentally cursing himself, Aaron wanted to just curl up in a ball and rethink his entire day's decisions. First of all there was now an unknown, naked, and possibly, no definitely, dangerous man roaming the castle. Then there was the fact it was Aaron's own fault for having been so careless, but that darn Casper Zhang had been to entrancing.

   Just thinking about him gave Aaron a pleasant sort of chill. Remembering how tall and powerful the man had seemed reminded Aaron of the Queen's test. How had he forgot so quickly?! And Isaiah Wynters!

   Face palming, Aaron pushed the thoughts of Isaiah out of his head and debated on what to do about the matter at hand. A man like Casper can't be that hard to lose, could he? Aaron would probably be able to find the invader quickly, after all, Casper didn't know his way around the castle.

    Deciding it would be best to avoid people and questions, Aaron quickly shoved Casper's discarded clothing under his sink. He looked around for something that would be able to disguise his distinguishing blonde hair. Spying Casper's cloak, Aaron pulled it on and snuck out into the hallway.

    After checking to make sure no one was near by, Aaron thought about the most likely place someone who didn't know the castle would go to. The only easily accessible rooms nearby were his own, but he know that no one was in those. That left the long halls that wound through the entire castle, the empty, old nursery room, or the hidden flight of stairs that led to Aaron's secret terrace garden.

    Oh no... Where should I go? Aaron looked back and forth in the hall nervously, trying to think of where to look first. Ugh! I'm wasting time! That evil man could be anywhere, I have to just start looking. 

    As Aaron started heading down the hall toward his old nursery he heard footsteps coming towards him. Feeling another panic attack coming on, he looking around for a hiding place where he could calm his nerves. Spying an alcove where the sconces didn't light, Aaron quickly darted to the side and took deep breaths, trying to slow his heart rate.

    Once the footsteps passed by without noticing him, Aaron sank to the ground in a crouch. That was too close. I'm not the kind of person that's cut out for this stuff. Why did I ever let that dibbity-darn Casper Zhang anywhere near me? He's probably some assassin or something, oh my god, I'm so dead now. 

    Staring at a suddenly very interesting spot on the ground, Aaron's thoughts kept running through his head at lightning speed.

    Ugh,  I feel sick to my stomach now... Why did this have to happen to me? Aaron stood up to continue looking for the mysterious man, but immediately felt his head start to spin, stars flying across his vision. Unconscious, his body crumpled on the ground and Prince Aaron failed to hear the footsteps coming back towards him, failed to notice when his limp body was lifted up and carried away, back through the winding halls of the castle.


    Waking up with a pounding headache, Aaron groaned as he sat up in bed. What time was it? Why hadn't one of his maids woken him up yet? Today was the day Isaiah Wynters was to attempt the Queen's trials! He remembered all of last night's fantasies of him marrying Isaiah and riding out into the sunset with him like in the story books. Blushing furiously at his thoughts, he jumped out of bed and pulled the chord that would have his butler, Dimitri, come to tell him the day's schedule.

    Just as Aaron was finishing the buttoning on his tunic, his dressing room door was slammed open and Dimitri flew in, looking like he was about to pop a vein in his neck from anger. Backing up out of fear, Aaron managed to get out a weak "Good morning, Dimitri", as Dimitri's powerful figure loomed over him.

    "Your highness, where have you been for the past three days???" Aaron timidly looked up at the scary man.

"W-what do you m-m-mean, Demi? I-I just woke up t-t-to get ready to watch I-Isaiah Wyn-Wynters try at Mother's tests a-and wanted to f-f-find out what you h-have in my schedule f-for today..." Aaron trailed off as he saw Dimitri cross his powerful arms and look down at Aaron, unamused. "Wait, w-what's wrong? Did s-something happen to my p-p-parents?" Aaron started to feel a panic attack coming on.

     Sighing heavily, Dimitri relaxed slightly and patted Aaron on the head, "Nothing happened to their Royal Majesties, don't worry your pretty head about them. Worry more about yourself, your highness. Mr. Wynters' trial was supposed to occur three days ago... Prince Aaron Lakeson, no one could find you for three days."

     Aaron gaped at his butler. His entire life Dimitri had been there, always watching out for him. Never had he joked. Ever. Even so, he tried laughing nervously, tried to pass what Dimitri was telling him off as a jest.

    "Your highness, this is no joking matter," Dimitri said sternly, frowning at the small young man infront of him. "Your royal parents had the entire castle on lock down. They let no one in or out, they postponed all contestant's trials for the Queen's test, all the rooms were searched. You were completely gone. But now you're back... Only the question is, How ?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2019 ⏰

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