Chapter 4

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Glancing out the open barn door a young man saw the grey clouds of an incoming storm. Hurrying to feed and pet the last of the cattle, Isaiah Wynters quickly locked the barn doors and entered his home.

Inside the quaint little cottage, Isaiah unlaced and removed his boots, following his nose into the kitchen. There he found his only family member, his mother Caitlyn, making a wonderful smelling stew for their supper.

Tiptoeing up behind her, Isaiah caught his mother up in a warm back hug.

"Mmm, Mama, that smells wonderful like always." He mumbled in her ear while trying to sneak a taste of it. Smacking his hand away Caitlyn laughed at her son's useless tactics and said, "I should hope it does, young man. Because this is all we have until the Wednesday market in two days."
Sighing, Isaiah let go of his mother and fell back into a chair at the kitchen table.

"Mama, I need to tell you something, but I want you to promise not to overreact to it, okay?" He bit his lip as he watched her back as she stirred the stew, waiting for her reply. She simply turned around and looked at him expectantly.

"Well, son. No need to be shy, I'm your mama for goodness sakes. Nothin you can say will shock me, unless you tell me you got some gal pregnant." She paused for a moment. "But I don't think that'll ever happen, will it, Isaiah?"

"No, Mama. I... I'm gay, Mama. There. I've finally told you, I'm sorry I've kept it secret for so long, I was just scared of losing you. Mama, you're the only one I love, please don't hate me."

Isaiah stared at the ceiling, scared to look at his mother, scared that if he did he would start crying.

Suddenly he heard something he least expected, his mother's loud, contagious laughter.

"Oh, baby, your face! I wish I could just save that look, but why would you ever think I could hate you, honey? You outta know by now Mama's got a heart big enough for everyone."

Wiping away his tears, Isaiah tackled his mother in a hug, whispering thank you over and over. She just hugged him right back, patting his head and saying I love you.


Later that day as Caitlyn and Isaiah were sitting inside by hearth, waiting for the storm to pass, Isaiah decided to jump his mother with his second surprise of the day.

"Hey, Mama? You know the royal family, right?" Caitlyn just hummed a mhmm, not looking up from the breeches she was mending.

"Well, uh, the prince, um, Aaron, is looking for a fiancé." Sighing, his mother finally put down the cloth and looked at him.

"Isaiah, baby, you I would do anything I could for you, but it sounds like you want the impossible. Do you know if he's even gay?

"But Mama, he is and it's not like that, the queen has set up a series of tests. Anyone can try their hand at them, just let me go and give me a chance, please Mama." He was begging her at this point. Growing up he knew that they had always been poor, that his single mother had worked more than her share to provide for herself and him. But this was his best chance to repay her and make it so she wouldn't have to overwork herself ever again.
Even if she refused, he would go somehow. This was his one chance to change his life.


Looking back at the only home he had ever known, Isaiah sighed and continued walking. Ahead he saw he destination, the castle was a distant blur before the great mountains that bordered the kingdom. And in that castle was his goal, Prince Aaron.

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