120 hours of premonition

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"When you have 120 hours to decide his fate."

Dylan Mahfud (You)

The sky is dark and gloomy without a star in sight. Although the moon is full and shining bright, my vision of its beauty is clouded by the hard droplets of rain that are impelling the pavement beneath my feet. I look before me at the crime scene that is closed off with yellow warning tape and I have to mentally step into detective mode.

"Officer Puge, what do you have for me?" I ask as I make my way onto the crime scene I am to be soon investigating.

"Dylan!" He shouts as a look of worry consumes his already blurred features. "What are you doing here? I called Murphy for this case!" He continues.

"Yea and I heard the call. So, I came to assist!" I explain while trying to look around him.

The rain now has my whole dress drenched and my once curled hair soaking. Just hours before this my husband and I were supposed to be celebrating our anniversary. However, yet instead, the intended romantic diner turned into the near resolution of a divorce. Toni argued me down about how I wouldn't allow him to wear the pants in this relationship because I am the breadwinner, which is not completely true. See I try to give him enough leeway to be the man of the house, I just think he feels other wise because I make damn good money. Enough to take care of us and our little boy Reese. While Toni is a freelance artist and makes little to nothing. I don't shun him for that but, sometimes you don't even have to. I'm sure he's doing it enough to himself because to a man pride is everything. 

Apparently I'm not cooperative enough for him and he's sick of it. So in the middle of the disastrous dinner date he got up and stormed out. He hasn't contacted me since. Which is why I'm here, standing in my sliming black dress with smeared makeup, and drenched oily hair.

"Dylan you don't need to see this. I advise you to go home and get some rest!" At this point his reluctance is starting to piss me off. I've already had a bad night with my husband, I don't need this from work as well. Especially since work is nearly the reason I'm having such a bad night.

"See what? I'm sure nothing on this crime scene will surprise me more than the other 100's of scenes I have seen before!" I argue.

"Dylan, Go home! We will contact you if we need you! As of right now we don't. So go home to you child. You need to be with him in this moment!" I stop for a second to ponder on his choice of wording. Why do I need to go home to be with my child? What does this case have to do with us.

"Okay stop talking in riddles! You know I'm the best damn forensic specialists this department has! You've never tried to turn me away before. So why now!?" I ask as I look him directly in the eyes. He seems to shrink to my gaze and turns away. I hear a deep breath escape his lips before he looks back over to me. I'd be lying if I said the suspense wasn't killing me.

"Purge! Talk! Now!" I state firmly. He gives another deep sigh, still very hesitant to talk.

"Go home and get some rest Dylan." I hear him mumble before turning to walk away from me.

I'm not exactly sure what to take from that encounter but, I know I won't just stand here and allow myself to be dominated by a cop on patrol. So I do what's expected of a bullhead like me, I walk behind him.

I don't day a word as I slowly shadow his footsteps and make my way closer to the scene. I guess this is one of the things Toni hates the most about my job. I'm way too dedicated to it. So much, that at times I neglect family time and my son misses out on getting to see his mother. I don't get to red him books at night, or give him a cup of warm milk to ease his insomnia. Nor to I get to chase the boogie man out of his room. It's not like I'm proud of this either. I wish I could do these things for him, my job just doesn't allow that kind of quality time because of the long hours I work.

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