Trampoline Park

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I've learned a lesson - don't edit on Wattpad after you've published a part because it makes the format go all crazy on the mobile app. Incredibly frustrating. I took it down and I am reposting it so that it makes sense. It jumbled and cut off and then repeated some stuff. Extremely irritating. 

It was your daughter's birthday

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It was your daughter's birthday. She wanted to have her birthday at the trampoline park, that had opened in town earlier that year. Your daughter was very excited for her birthday this year. She was excited for her two best friends who were attending the party. You and your husband, Sasha, had arrived early to set up the extra food you had brought for the kids. The party was supplying pizza, but you wanted to make sure they had other food to munch on in the meantime. Your daughter was bouncing around you two as you two set up, peppering you with questions. "Kylie is coming right, mama?"

"Yes, sweetie," you answer for the hundredth time.

"Yay!!! And Parneet too, right daddy?"

Your husband shoots you a grin at his daughter's repeated questions. You roll your eyes back at him, in slight exasperation.

"Yes, sweetheart," he says with exaggerated patience, winking at both you and her.

You smile at him. Her incessant chatter never bothered him. He always listened attentively like it was the first time he heard her say it, instead of the hundredth. You didn't quite have his patience for things being repeated over and over again.

Your daughter lets out a high pitch squeal and runs towards the entrance of the building. Glancing at her and then you, your husband comments, "Apparently one of her friends has arrived."

You nod in agreement. "You okay to finish up here?" you ask him.

He nods. Walking near him, you give him a kiss. "Okay, I'll go greet the guests and get it all organized and come back when everyone is taken care of."

Kissing you back, he smiles at you. "Okay, see you a little bit." He gives you a one-armed hug from behind as you walk away. You hug him back, before heading to the front to greet your daughter's guests.

After the arrival of one of your daughter's best friends, the rest of the guests trickle in. You get them all sorted and properly attired with socks and wristbands and send them off to go jumping and running within the trampoline park.

Meeting your husband over at the table, you sit down on the bench. He sits down next to you. He puts an arm around you and pulls you close. You cuddle close to him. "Sooooo......are we going to go jumping too?"

Looking up at him, you answer with an exuberate, "Yes!"

He laughs and squeezes you close. Removing his arm and grabbing your hand, he stands and pulls you up with him. "Let's go get our wristbands then."

This was one of the reasons you loved your husband so much. He was very much an adult with a playful, sometimes childlike nature at the core. He had no problem getting down and playing dolls with his daughter or having a tea party or playing dress up (which often resulted in hilarious costumes for him). You loved that he had no problem getting down and playing. You both had friends that often just watched their kids play instead of participating. You both didn't understand how they couldn't get in on the fun. Particularly, with trampoline parks. They were so much fun! One was never too old to jump on trampolines. It brought back memories of your dad playing on the trampoline with you and your sibling, and then him falling through the trampoline, because it was an old one. Thankfully, he had not been injured. But just having your dad playing with you and your sibling had made the day that much better. You were happy you could pass that memory on, in participating in the same activity with your own child.

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